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Thoughts on transferring/doing an additional social work degree abroad


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Hi all. So, I had asked this question in a couple other threads but it doesn't look like it's going to get a response there, and maybe it was the wrong place to put it, anyway.

My situation is this: I am a second year MSW student in the US. Frankly, this year has been a shitshow thus far with everything being online (not saying it's the wrong choice, just that it's hard) and I'm very scared of what's happening with the political situation in the US right now. Therefore, I was thinking about trying to transfer to a program in Canada to finish out my degree. 

I know that this probably sounds crazy considering that I am so close to the end of my program, but things are not going well at my field placement and part of me wants a way out. I cannot rely on my school's admin to help me as they are extremely slow in responding to concerns. Is there anyone here that has transferred from an American social work program to a Canadian one? Is it even feasible at this late stage of my degree? After this semester I will have 45 credits, but I assumed that I would have to take extra classes if I transfer to a program in another country, anyway.

The other thought I was kicking around was the idea of applying to this program


or something similar. I know that there are scholarships for American students to study in Germany but Idk if I would be competitive for any of them. I know this all sounds insane, but I am somewhat desperate to leave the US and this school, if possible. Please help if you can.

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