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European MA -> North American PhD


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I'm currently in my final year (5th technically) of a Chem-focused BSc at the University of Alberta. I was originally considering sticking with a Canadian school for a chemistry PhD, but after a bit of encouragement from my current PI I'm expanding my horizons for applications. One option I was toying with was to go for a Masters in Europe and perhaps transfer back to a PhD in North America (mainly for the better job prospects from what I've heard, I think I'd prefer to work closer to home). I've been pushing for a chance to live abroad for a while now (had an exchange lined up this semester but then COVID), but I'm hesitant to commit to a full international PhD right now.

Anyways, without getting bogged down too much in the details, is it feasible to do a transfer like that? Most of the MA programs I've looked into are primarily course-based (along with a research component), so would it be possible to waive my graduate courses in a different program and shorten it as I'm just doing the research component? I don't mind if it extends my total degree time a bit, I just want to avoid a situation where I commit 2 years to a Masters and have it count for nothing. If anyone has any experience with this I'd really appreciate your advice!

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