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Should I reappear for GRE?



I appeared for test from home edition of GRE and scored 319(Q:165, V:154)+3.5. I am a non native English speaker from India from a very reputed Institute. I have a really mediocre (C)GPA like around 3.2~3.3. Also, I am a non CS student wishing to pursue computational sciences especially machine learning abroad. I have research as well as corporate experience in the ML field. Though, I do not have any publications. I have 5 LoRs(teachers and former employers).

TBH, the only thing that makes me insecure about applying is my mediocrity. I mean I was literally the 50th student in a class of 100. I know that's a bad stats but what I should do? Should I appear for GRE again? How shall I make up for my mediocre grads and lack of experience? Should I apply or quit dreaming? If there is anything else, you people need I would be happy to provide it. I need an honest opinion on my profile like a slap on my face.
Thanking you all in anticipation.

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2 answers to this question

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Shirotama, in what percentile were your GRE scores?  The good thing right now is that many institutions are not requiring GRE scores, in part because of COVID.

Other than GRE, in order of priority, I would recommend that you increase 1) research lab experience (even if it means volunteering), 2) publishing some of your previous work, 3) presenting some of your work at a local or regional conference.  It does take some time to build a strong CV, but getting these experiences can really go a long way to show that you are a highly qualified candidate.  

I would only worry about the GRE if it is required and if you were below the 50th percentile.  Hope this helps.

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Thank you for answering.

I was in 63rd percentile in verbal, 85th percentile in quant, 38th percentile in AWA.

I had sent my result to these unis: 

GA Tech, Stanford, chapman and Texas A&M.

Also, How can I volunteer for reseach experience amid covid. I have corporate research experiencce in the relevant field, but no academic research exp. How does it affects my candidature as a MS students in above mentioned unis?


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