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TOEFL department code


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I am an international student interested in philosophy ph.D program for 2021 admission. I am hereby posting to ask a question related to TOEFL report. On the one hand, many school says that, for GRE and TOEFL reporting, only the institutional code but not department code must be entered (for example, UNC. https://gradschool.unc.edu/admissions/instructions.html). On the other hand, TOEFL website forces me to enter whatever department code. Among those seen on the department code list are 20 (philosophy) and 99 (for any other department not listed). Which should I choose, for the score to be properly reported? Should I mail and ask this question to each school that says like that?

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  • 10 months later...

Hey there! I was recently about to book TOEFL and find myself in the same position as you. Could you please share if we must specify the appropriate departmental codes or 99? 
Also, do you think if the scored are sent to one department in a uni, will other departments in the same uni be able to access those scores or should we resend them separately while applying for them?

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I am now in a certain phD program, but if I am allowed to answer:

Regarding the first question, the answer to my email question varied from one program to another. I think you should consult the department or the university directly. (That being said, I guess, in most cases, it will not matter which department code you enter, as long as you send the scores to the right school)

Regarding the second question, I have no definite idea. 

Edited by Mishkin
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