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Freakingout!! rude email


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since its been long since the deadline, I wrote an email to admission counselor asking about the decision notification date. and the person told me

that the notification was anounced approximately one month from the deadline date or will be in the next couple of weeks.

its already been past a month and a half so I emailed again as such:

Dear ( )

Pardon me for asking yet, does this mean that I got rejected?

Do you know the decision?

Best Regards,

my name

then, here comes my freak-out. I re-read my sent email and thought my choice of words and the tone might sound rude.

so I emailed again as such:

Dear ( )

The deadline was March 15th and It's been long since the deadline so I am very worried about the decision.

In addition, there is a rumor that if the admission committee doesn't notify, then its almost likely that they deferred my admission.

Does this applies in this case as well?

I am very sorry to bother you. I am just very worried.

I really want to get into this program.

Best Regards,

my name

My questions are, was I rude in the first mail? do you think my second mail was unneccessary and sound desperate and incompetent and stupid and paranoid??


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What program are you applying for? I understand your worry, and that you're anxious, but so are all of their applicants, so you probably shouldn't send emails like that. If they don't respond to you in the next few days, I would strongly suggest you call them up instead of emailing. I always find it's a bit easier to get information out of person over the phone.

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What program are you applying for? I understand your worry, and that you're anxious, but so are all of their applicants, so you probably shouldn't send emails like that. If they don't respond to you in the next few days, I would strongly suggest you call them up instead of emailing. I always find it's a bit easier to get information out of person over the phone.

so you are saying i was being rude and informal?

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I'm saying that I don't think any professor or administrator is going to act positively to an email like that. It doesn't do you any good to mention rumors or send back to back emails with the same question.

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I'm trying to figure out why the freak out. There was nothing rude or to be construed as rude. Emailing twice would be annoying and likely apt to get you a delayed response.

As for calling versus emailing, legally, they cannot tell you over the phone (or in email) what the decision was only if a decision has been made. Some schools prefer email communication as it provides a trackable record. You'll get the same information either way and any good program or school has someone dedicated to responding to incoming emails.

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My rule of thumb is never to e-mail twice in a row. That can be construed as nagging. Either wait a few days, or, preferably, call.

I think your first e-mail (response) was fine. You didn't need to send the second one.

If I were you, I definitely would not e-mail again. I'd even wait a few days before calling.

Even if you are not going to hear good news, if you care enough about this program that you may want to apply again, you need to stay on good terms with these people.

I ditto JustChill -- I would not mention rumors.

If there is a chance they have not made a decision yet, I'd be especially delicate during this time. I understand that if you have other opportunities pending your acceptance or rejection at this date, you might want to e-mail or call -- but point out why you need to know now.

Otherwise, you should probably just wait, now that they've said you'll hear in the next couple of weeks. I know it's painstaking, but it's the best move to make sure you don't annoy them when the ball is in their court!

Good luck!

Edited by Jae B.
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My rule of thumb is never to e-mail twice in a row. That can be construed as nagging. Either wait a few days, or, preferably, call.

I think your first e-mail (response) was fine. You didn't need to send the second one.

If I were you, I definitely would not e-mail again. I'd even wait a few days before calling.

Even if you are not going to hear good news, if you care enough about this program that you may want to apply again, you need to stay on good terms with these people.

I ditto JustChill -- I would not mention rumors.

If there is a chance they have not made a decision yet, I'd be especially delicate during this time. I understand that if you have other opportunities pending your acceptance or rejection at this date, you might want to e-mail or call -- but point out why you need to know now.

Otherwise, you should probably just wait, now that they've said you'll hear in the next couple of weeks. I know it's painstaking, but it's the best move to make sure you don't annoy them when the ball is in their court!

Good luck!

ok, so i guess damage has occurred.

i am so ignorant..

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