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Low undergrad GPA, Perfect masters GPA, Glowing letters of recommendation (CS PhD)


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I have a low undergrad GPA (3.069) and a perfect masters GPA (4.0). I will have two very strong LORs (one from a different department, but he is the head chair of that department). My research background matches really well with the faculty of the schools that I’m applying to. What are my chances for getting an admission in a decent university that is not in the top ten (eg. University of Minnesota, Virginia tech)? I was confident at first but I’m starting to get nervous because my undergraduate GPA is horrible.

Edit: I also worked for a year as a full time research associate under my advisor who hired me after my masters degree. My thesis was also nominated for the conference of southern graduate schools outstanding thesis award. So everything in my application is great except my undergrad GPA.

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  • adi1997 changed the title to Low undergrad GPA, Perfect masters GPA, Glowing letters of recommendation (CS PhD)

I can't speak specifically for your field nor odds of getting in those schools, but it sounds like you've done some excellent work in recent years and that will shine through your application materials. I've heard stories of people with lower undergrad GPA than you and ended up getting accepted at an Ivy League for PhD, with glowing LORs like you. It's not as though you've gone in the reverse, in terms of GPA.

So, believe in the strengths of your recent work—that is who you are now! —and trust that that will carry you forward. That is, after all, all you can do! 

The right school will see where you're headed and be excited to support you as you advance your studies. ? Best of luck!

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