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ODU (Old Dominion University) PhD English - Anyone heard anything?


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Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone has heard from this program - PhD English at ODU, particularly the part-time, distance option. I saw one acceptance and one rejection come through almost a month ago, presumably for onsite with funding, but nothing since. I'm starting to wonder if they're going to contact me one way or another, although I know they have until April 15. Thanks in advance for any information you can pass along!

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I'm in the same boat! I had my app in earlier than the deadline, so that's just making the waiting even worse. I was hoping to hear today just because I hypothesized that maybe full-time onsite applicants heard by the end of February and part-time, distance applicants would hear at the end of March. So far, no news. 

April 15th seems so far off! 

Best of luck to you!

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Thanks for replying! It's good to know that I'm not the only one waiting (although, simultaneously, I'm sorry you have to wait too!). I had a very similar thought about the timing, and I'm sad that we didn't get the news we were looking for. Here's hoping it's this week!


Best of luck to you as well!

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Have room for a third in your boat? I'm also a part-time, distance applicant, though I had read the silence as more of an implicit welcome to a waiting list. But I prefer your theory of a tiered admissions process. I was unaware of the Apr 15 deadline, so it's good to know that an end to the wait is near(ish). 

Best of luck to you, haphazard and frodo!

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