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FALL 2022 Profile Evaluation


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Undergrad Institution(s): Top 50 public with good stats department
Major(s): Economics, Mathematics
Minor(s): Statistics
GPA: 3.85 Math, 3.95 Econ, 3.9 overall
Type of Student: White Male

GRE General Test: V159, Q168, AW4.0
GRE Subject: Nope, disaster to schedule this year
Coursework (completed):
(A unless indicated otherwise)
  • Math: Calc 1/2, multivariable (B+), Linear algebra, applied linear algebra, modern algebra, sequences and series (B+), Stochastic processes (A-), ODES (proof based)
  • Stats: Theoretical statistics 1/2, applied regression analysis
  • ECON: Econometrics, 2 semesters of advanced micro theory (masters level) 
  • CSCI: Intro to Python
Coursework (future):

Undergraduate level:

  • Real analysis 1/2 (fall,spring), Linear programming and optimization (fall), Applied multivariate methods (spring), Machine learning (spring)


Research experiences:
  • Currently working on census data proposal with well known econ prof, eventual paper in behavioral economics
  • Honors thesis in game theory (very theoretical, basically math and some light machine learning)
Research interests:
Machine learning, statistical finance
Letters of recommendation
1. Very well known econ professor that I worked with on census project
2. Less known econ professor that I worked with on thesis
3. Hopefully a math professor whos class I did well in and will work on project with (he got a stats PhD at Berkeley) but potentially a children literature professor who I wrote a children's book about climate change with. (How bad would this be?)
Working experiences: Econ RA for about 9 months
Languages: Python, R, Stata

Teaching experience
Probably are able to tell from profile but making a late switch from econ to statistics. Multivariable calculus B+ came first semester freshmen year when I was young and dumb, hopefully redeemable. My sequences and series B+ is harder to justify but if I get an A in real analysis it might be fine. 
Should I be aiming for a masters at his point or a PhD program? I am making a late switch and I am afraid I have not generated enough shown interest in statistics. Eventually I do want to do a PhD so if masters is the route to take what programs would prepare me for a PhD after the fact? 
Thank you to anybody who takes the time to respond, I really appreciate it.
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