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Question about formatting anthology/website contributions for resume



I'm finishing up my resumé to apply for a MSW program. In addition to my work experience and education, I would like to include that I'm involved in the disability community and contributed to a couple disability-related anthologies and websites. I can't find a simple example of how to do this, and formats for listing professional publications don't seem quite right--especially because I contributed multiple pieces to each anthology, and listing the title of each piece would be unnecessary and long.

My inclination is just to put something like this:

Disability Website Whose Subject is Obvious From the Name
URL of website
Contributor 2015-present

Disability Anthology Whose Subject is Also Obvious From the Name (2018)
Name of Publisher

Do you think that would look all right? When I've gone to info sessions they have made it sound like they're not too strict about the resumé formatting, but I don't know if this looks totally gauche.

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