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Funny Admissions Dreams


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Has anyone had any dreams about the application process while waiting to hear back from places? Last night, I dreamed that my mom found the head of my subfield at my top choice on facebook and direct messaged him asking about my chances. He answered back (!) and said he couldn't say but that the AdComm had purchased a lot of various paraphernalia from the undergrad institution of each student that they were planning to admit. And he sent her a picture of the room where they stored it all. She showed me the picture so I zoomed in and saw an afghan/throw blanket from my undergrad and we concluded that this must mean I'm being admitted ?. I'm thinking this probably indicates it would be a good idea to stop browsing the online faculty directory trying to guess who's on AdComm right before I fall asleep at night...

Best wishes to everyone coming apart at the seams during the waiting game ?

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