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When to Apply to Programs w/ Rolling Admissions?


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Does anyone know when it is generally acceptable to mail in applications to grad programs with rolling admissions? Is August acceptable or should I wait until my Fall 2010 semester senior grades are available? I'll be applying for Fall 2011 start dates.

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I am not speaking from experience, but I would recommend to wait until your final grades are in. Otherwise you're gonna have to send them in separately anyway once they're posted.

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I sent in my app to a rolling admissions program the same time I sent the others (November). Wait until your next semester starts so the program will at least know what you're taking. Wait longer if you think the fall semester will go well enough to give your GPA/transcript a boost. Otherwise, you don't need to send another transcript until you choose your final school.

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Take this with a grain of salt because I'm just repeating something someone else told me, but I think there's an advantage in applying near the beginning of a cycle-- your application will be reviewed by a fresher pair of eyes, reviewers might have a little more time to spend on your application, and not a lot of spots will have been filled yet. Adcomms can get pretty ruthless at the end of a cycle when they've got a mountain of applications and only a few spots.

I don't think it will hurt your chances to apply without your final grades--a lot of of people apply during their senior year of undergrad and send their final transcript later on, so that's pretty standard. There might be an advantage in waiting if something during your last semester (i.e. significant improvement in your gpa) is going to make you a much stronger candidate than you would be otherwise. But if you expect your last semester to be pretty consistent with your previous work, you might as well apply early. That would also give you plenty of time in case paperwork gets lost, a letter of recommendation arrives late, etc.

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