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Harvard MUP vs UPenn MCP 2022

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I have been admitted to both Harvard's MUP program and UPenn's MCP program for Fall 2022.

I was wondering if anyone else made a decision between these two programs and if so what factors weighed heavily in their final decision.

Additional consideration: My current concentration for both programs is HCED but I am considering switching to Harvard's Urban Analytics concentration or UPenn's Smart Cities concentration. My impression is that UPenn's concentration is much more built out/has more support. If anyone can speak to these concentrations that would be great.

Thank you!

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  • walkable grid changed the title to Harvard MUP vs UPenn MCP 2022

UPenn is definitely very strong for urban analytics, especially with the MUSA program also housed within Weitzman. Then again, iirc Harvard lets you take almost half your classes at MIT which is arguably even better for smart cities and analytics (and does some amazing work at the intersection of analytics and housing, if that’s your interest).

Personally I’m probably going to UPenn but if I had applied and been accepted to Harvard, I probably would’ve gone there instead. That’s partly because my interests lean more towards design though. What are your specific areas of interest within HCED?

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