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Biomedical Sciences: PLZ HELP! WashU vs Mount Sinai


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Hi all,

I'm deciding between the following programs and would appreciate any insights people can provide!!

WashU St. Louis Biology and Biomedical Sciences PhD - Developmental, Regenerative, and Stem Cell Biology (DRSCB)

Mount Sinai (ISMMS) Biomedical Sciences PhD - Development, Regeneration, and Stem Cells (DRS)

I have a strong interest in studying stem-cell derived cell therapies. I'm definitely more into translational science than basic research. While it seems that WashU is generally more basic science oriented, both institutions have multiple faculty I would be interested in working with. For more context, the fields I want to explore in rotations include immunology/oncology, neurobiology, and maybe kidney/heart regenerative medicine. Here is my pro con list so far

WashU Pro:

  • Flexible umbrella program with the option to work with >600 faculty
  • Overall laid back atmosphere
  • Most DSRCB labs are on the med campus and have well maintained facilities
  • St Louis is inexpensive to live in - stipend goes a LONG way (many students indicated buying condos/houses)
  • Students are very friendly 
  • Drivable to see my family/hometown

WashU Con

  • St Louis is a pretty small city
  • Most students I met at visit weekend are doing basic developmental research, not translational

Mount Sinai Pro

  • Institution is very translational research oriented (also connected to hospital and use a lot of primary samples)
  • Stipend to go to conferences and present work
  • A LOT of core facilities
  • Classes are more aligned with my exact research interests
  • Lots to do in New York
  • New AI/ML MTA which would be really cool to collab with in biomedical research

Mount Sinai Cons

  • Middle of NYC might be too congested for me
  • Housing option feels like college dorms (4-6 roommates)
  • Stipend will not go as far in NYC, will be harder to afford travel etc

TLDR: I LOVE the science and faculty at Sinai, but don't think I'll love living in NYC on a PhD student budget. I like WashU and could be happy there but am not quite as animated about the science.

Please feel free offer any insights or words of advice! No matter how small

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I, too just had to make a difficult decision in choosing between UW-Madison and Washington University in St. Louis. I chose WashU. So, I understand your dilemma. The common wisdom is to lean toward where you we be the happiest conducting research. But I can understand why that would be a difficult choice for you financially. My father suggested that you simply become like Peter Parker and "Push through" the busy streets of NYC and live the poor college student life until you get the degree. While I found this suggestion humorous, I don't think that is fair advice because even though you may be doing the research you like, comfort and finance security are also paramount. I would suggest you flip a coin. Heads for Mount Sinai, and tails for WashU. After flipping the coin, BEFORE YOU LOOK, close your eyes. Whichever one you were slightly hoping it would be, should be the one you choose. 

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  • Warelin changed the title to Biomedical Sciences: PLZ HELP! WashU vs Mount Sinai

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