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What are my chances...

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Yes, it's another one of those threads...anyway, here are my stats:

1530 GRE (780 Verbal, 750 Math)

3.43 UGPA (International Business Administration)

Of my three LOR's, I'm shooting for all three of them to be from professors, but I'm pretty sure I can get at least two from them and one professional reference.

Five years of work experience (3 years post-graduate)

Speak German and Russian (if that matters)

I'm considering applying to the following programs and I'd just like to know what you guys think my chances are in general terms:

Princeton WWS MPP

Harvard Kennedy MPP

Duke Sanford MPP

Brown Taubman MPP

University of Texas MPA

Chicago Harris MPP


In case it matters, it's ultimately my goal to work for the federal government.

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Honestly, I think it's tough to say without knowing:

1. The quality of your undergraduate institution.

2. The quality of the work experience.

Providing that both are good, then I think you'll get into 2 or 3 of those. The GPA is low but can be overcome with the few years of professional experience. The problem is, if your work experience isn't directly relevant or if it's just support work or something, then it won't really go to bat for you.

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My intuition is that you'll have a good chance to get into at least a couple programs. Some are more heavily quant than others, so depending on your undergrad courses in math and your professional experience, that will increase or decrease your likelihood at specific schools. Overall, your GPA is solid, GRE scores are good, which essentially means your essays and LORs will make or break it. Assuming the statement and LORs are strong, I'd be expecting some acceptances.

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