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Yet another GRE assessment


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I took the GRE for the first time this week. My scores were 590 V and 710 Q; writing score is currently unknown. As my name indicates, I want to apply to history doctoral programs for next fall. I feel like I probably need to take the test again if I really want to be considered, but I wanted to get others' opinions on the matter. Are my scores okay, or should I try to raise the verbal some more? My GPA is good-- 3.9, and my writing sample uses a lot of primary sources. I'm working on my personal statement now too.

Thanks in advance!

P.S. I really appreciated the board's help in finding the Powerprep I software.

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I'm not a history guy, but I can't help thinking that if you want to be consider at the top schools, you're going to have to bring your verbal score up. Given your strong GPA, it would be a shame for the GRE to be your Achilles heal of your application. I'd work your like crazy and retake - you still have time this application cycle.

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Looks like you and I are in the same situation, roughly (except you managed to get a 710Q. As a history major? How did that happen? Haha).

I'm an aspiring history student, and I scored almost the same as you on the Verbal: 580. I don't know how that happened, but it did. I'd definitely suggest you take it again (I'm going to), but do it as soon as possible, since the window will be closing soon (especially with the schools that stop accepting applications in December).

What most people on this board have told me, however, is not to stress about it too much (which is what I was doing). If you have that high of a GPA, a good SOP, and good letters of rec, then having a low GRE score is not the end of the world. It might influence funding, which is why you should take it again, but other than that it is not as critical as the other parts of the application.

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Yes the math score was a real shock; it seems like the two scores really should have been reversed. I feel like I really should be able to do better. I think that I missed one of the first few questions, which screwed up my total score. Curse the CAT!

Good luck Man Who Is Thursday! You can do it!

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Yeah, I think that's what happened to me. Or I just made a bunch of boneheaded mistakes. Mostly, I think the thing was bad luck--at least I hope so, heh. Did you take any practice tests beforehand or anything? Was your score radically different from those if you did?

Anyway, yeah, my test is coming up again soon. Thanks for the good luck wish! I wish the same to you!

(Also, I'd guess that since you got a 710Q as a history major, that proves you can study for this thing and beat this stupid test at its own game. Haha. Just make sure you direct your energy at the verbal.)

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