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Who got an email from Embark.com on Weds 3/12?


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I'm trying to figure out if it is a mass mailing or if *gasp* it is an indication that I can be expecting an acceptance letter. It is titled "Starting School in the Fall?"

The part that has got me wondering is the last line: We look forward to helping you through the rest of your college enrollment process!

I would love to hear from you if you got the same email and what you know about your status. :|

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Embark emailed me. They actually offered me a job spam emailing millions of others. They read my many posts on this forum, liked what they saw, and signed me up.

Next time you get an email with this phrasing: "Are you excited to go, hopefully, to a school near the top of your list with OK funding and where your spouse can get a job? Embark can help you do so effectively. Ready to get accepted or rejected with just one click? Ready to bite your nails? Hate the GRE? Embark is here!"


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On a similar note, one of the schools to which I applied sent out a mass email to everyone who had applied to their graduate school. We all received it about two weeks after their deadline, and the subject line read something to the effect of: "The University of Northern Timbuktu invites you to visit," and on the inside it continued, "for their 2nd annual graduate student conference on underwater basket weaving." Apparently they had such a huge, hostile response that they had to send out an apology email later that day.

At once I felt amused at the ease at which someone could make an innocent mistake with horrible repercussions like that, and outraged at the insensitivity and thoughtlessness of using a grad applicant email list for such a thing (disguised as an official departmental visit request?). Luckily the former feeling has overtaken the latter, and I can laugh about it now. But, to be perfectly honest, they got me -- I totally thought I was being invited to an accepted students' weekend. haha!

And no, for once I was not one of the mouthy people who spoke out about the injustice of it all. Apparently plenty of other folks beat me to it, though. I've never seen a university office apologize so quickly for something -- they must have received a ton of angry emails.

Don't they realize we're all a bunch of neurotic narcissists already? Feeding us conflicting information and toying with our egos like that may just cause the average grad student to snap. =)

What a silly process this is.

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Rosebud - I received the same email and admittedly, out of complete desperation, I want to believe the same thing. In my sleuthing I believed that because I applied to two schools through Embark and the email said, "Starting School in the Fall?" and only mentioned my applying to Princeton, I want to believe that I got in there. The other school NYU, I am still awaiting word from like many others. And the irony of it all? I didn't get an email from Princeton yesterday. No rejection, no admission, no wait-list = no nothing! So a weekend of searching the internet to see if I can find out any information to relieve my nagging brain of this incessant, tormenting process. One of Dante's circles of hell definitely relates to this, I know it.

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