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Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle


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Law school? That was in a NYT article recently about it being one great ponzi scheme, yes?

I didn't apply to Northwestern or UT Austin, but the best of luck to you all - having been on edge about Stanford all of last week, I can empathize with you guys.

I knew I'd heard it somewhere. I was referring to grad school, but frankly it might apply to everything in life. You work hard and if you succeed, someone pays you more money to work harder.

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In at University of Texas - Austin. Weird "collective" email. No funding info

Subfield Formal Theory

Ugh, I'd hate funding ambiguity. I've been offered a presidential scholarship at one university and am guaranteed 20K/year, with the possibility of a fellowship bumping that up by 5K/year, at another. Both schools are solid; the latter has slightly more name rec than the latter. So I'll need to weigh the difference in name recognition against being able to have "presidential scholar" on my resume.

re food: I've never given much thought to the whole local/non-local matter. I can say this: my absolute favorite place to eat in Pittsburgh is a halal market that gets its meat fresh and local. The food is RIDICULOUSLY good.

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There are a lot of references to this email on the results page - what was weird about it?

It was a mistake. Practically, on the same email there were about 10 letters for 10 different applicants notifying acceptance. They apologized later.

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Not to feed the vicious troll that is your obsession (at least that is how I describe my own), it was 11 pm West Coast time. And the school is also on the West Coast.


Gah! Well first off, congratulations!! I somehow misread your reply and hadn't realized it was you who was accepted. And, secondly, thanks - though it is decidedly feeding the (aptly described) troll, I now have an excuse ready for when my friends/family/pedestrians shout at me for being glued to my phone.

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Gah! Well first off, congratulations!! I somehow misread your reply and hadn't realized it was you who was accepted. And, secondly, thanks - though it is decidedly feeding the (aptly described) troll, I now have an excuse ready for when my friends/family/pedestrians shout at me for being glued to my phone.

Thank you! I thought I was going to be locked out, but it turns out no! And I think the next time someone complains about you being glued to your phone, you should do a Smeagol voice and tell them to piss off.

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Yes, I replied to one about off hours responses, and the general consensus was that NO ONE!!!! ever got a response on the weekends, or late at night. They were kind of stunned with by 11.36 pm on a Saturday acceptance e-mail.

I was accepted to UVA at 1:03 am last Tuesday...

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The news about Northwestern rejections going out is terrifying. I must have looked at the website 10 times today. Still no rejection. Will they post it at the end of the day? Maybe tomorrow? Do I actually have a chance? *chews fingernails off*

This highfalutin discussion of fancy food is alien to me. My post-app diet consists of junk food, fast food, and alcohol. There's nothing like the anxiety of waiting to get oneself burgin'.

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Also accepted to UT Austin for comparative politics!

Wow, it's great that you're going to have a good number of choices for where you go. I'd be ecstatic if I had more than one acceptance! (One would do at this point).

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UT Austin has really been a roller coaster for me. The mass rejection goes out yesterday and I survive that. I am thinking I am in the hunt. Then a mass acceptance goes out and I'm still on the sidelines. At this point after getting wait-listed at Pitt and having a strange experience with Vanderbilt I'm resigning myself to being the ideal "wait-list guy".

Then Texas comes through with an acceptance. I've hit the board! Hook 'em horns!

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It was a mistake. Practically, on the same email there were about 10 letters for 10 different applicants notifying acceptance. They apologized later.

I assume it was grad-app-exhaustion on the part of the coordinator. Ugg. Embarrassing.

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Has anyone gotten into UNC heard about the funding offers.... I just got one for 15K plus we have to pay around 2k for student fees! WTF... So they expect us to live off of 13K per year in chapel hill... that is insane! Does anyone know if we can negotiate for better packages!?!

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Wow, it's great that you're going to have a good number of choices for where you go. I'd be ecstatic if I had more than one acceptance! (One would do at this point).

Thank you! I wish you all luck that you get an admission soon. I can imagine how this waiting must feel as I have gone through it last year!

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I've seen one acceptance of Berkeley (comparative) on the results page. It was notified on Feb 4. Does it mean I'm rejected???

I didn't really understand that acceptance - why would they ask for a degree certificate from someone who's degree is from the US? I assumed it was just a troll.

I've also applied to Berkeley for comparative and heard nothing, like many other here clearly. It's confusing - clearly they made some admits earlier in the week in American and Theory, but there were only four claimed, which seems like a tiny number given the number of acceptances posted on here for other schools. So either they haven't finished with their admissions yet, or else by chance people who've been successful at Berkeley just don't happen to post on these boards as much as people who've been accepted at other schools.

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By the way, you know how it says Active Users on the forum page? I think we just passed 600 for the first time this app cycle. Last year's record - 687 - looks like it'll be broken easily soon.

We should really turn our anxieties into something productive, like gambling. So, over/under on the record this year? 750? How about the number of posts in this thread by April 15th? 1000?

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We should really turn our anxieties into something productive, like gambling. So, over/under on the record this year? 750? How about the number of posts in this thread by April 15th? 1000?

I'm thinking 780 and 1500, respectively. Someone want to stake their stipend on it? laugh.gif

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Has anyone gotten into UNC heard about the funding offers.... I just got one for 15K plus we have to pay around 2k for student fees! WTF... So they expect us to live off of 13K per year in chapel hill... that is insane! Does anyone know if we can negotiate for better packages!?!

Unfortunately I don't think that's all that uncommon among large public universities. There are a few decent fellowships but once you get beyond that, you're looking at living off a fairly meager amount of money. Chapel Hill isn't as cheap as some other college towns, too.

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