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OSU Graduate Application- Initiated Materials


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Hi everyone-

I was hoping someone else might have a similar predicament as I am with the Ohio State main graduate school application. It says for my supplemental materials, my GRE scores are listed as "completed" but my transcripts are listed as "initiated." I sent my transcripts to them overnight 2 weeks ago, and know that they have already received them. This is what the description for initiated materials says in the FAQ graduate admissions section:

Items listed as "Initiated" on your application checklist have not yet been received, or they have been received but not yet recorded. After items have been received and recorded, they appear as "Completed" on the checklist. Please be advised "Completed" only means "received", it does not indicate the document has been fully evaluated. After evaluation if anything is still needed, it will appear on your application checklist as an "initiated" item on your Applicant Center at:http://appstatus.osu.edu.

What should I do? Should I email them at the contact email they sent me to make sure they're in a file somewhere? My deadline for the OSU Psych program was today, but it says it can take up to 4 weeks for them to process transcripts (WTH???).

Btw, I hope this isn't a bad omen, but I feel like OSU's bureaucracy and red tape is already apparent in their admissions applications. Oy.

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I had the same issue; it was about a week before my transcript went from "initiated" to "completed." I wouldn't sorry about it right now. They are probably still matching transcripts to applications. Check back in a few days and call then, if necessary.

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I'm in the same boat. Waiting for initiated to turn into completed. I think that it's just going to take time, but it sure is frustrating!

I had the same issue; it was about a week before my transcript went from "initiated" to "completed." I wouldn't sorry about it right now. They are probably still matching transcripts to applications. Check back in a few days and call then, if necessary.

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I'm experiencing the same thing. It says my grad transcript and one of my letters of recommendation are "Initiated", so I had my letter writer submit the letter again. She sent me the receipt that she got from OSU confirming they received her letter, yet 2 weeks later it still shows as only "Initiated". Also, I got an e-mail back from the grad admissions office saying that they were working on processing the materials they received on Nov 29, and this was like a week ago.

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I'm in the same boat. One of my recommendations is still saying 'initiated'; my recommender said he submitted it and he had a confirmation number. I e-mailed the grad program office but they have yet to respond. I'm not really worried about it, though, since I'm pretty certain it's just a matter of time.

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Yeah, thats pretty pathetic. I'm so glad the rest of my December deadline programs had their stuff together, even though it never said online that everything was together. OSU just makes it so nervewracking compared to how other admissions are organized.

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Yeah, I applied to OSU too for social psych PhD, and I'm not a huge fan of their app status system either. It took them like 3 weeks to update the receipt of my GRE scores (which you'd think would go pretty quickly since it's all electronic anyways), so I would give it a bit yet. If it goes past like 3 1/2 wks, then I would call them at be like "wtf people ..."

Good luck!

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Just to give an update. I e-mailed the grad admissions office and they replied saying that they had received all of my materials and the online status will be updated by Wednesday!

To their credit, they have been very good about answering my e-mails.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got an email from my prospective advisor at OSU saying that he was looking at my application and noticed that two of my LORs were missing. He asked if I could have the writers email him the letters. So I guess that the applications (in History, at least) are truly "in review."

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