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Anyone have problem with upload for Yale application yesterday?


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I had already uploaded all my images for Yale last week, but had not finished my statement.

I finished my statement last night at 10pm and uploaded it. It said that it was received and provided a preview. I reviewed my application and submitted it. Then I paid with my credit card.

I received an application status that lists all the uploads received. It has all my images, letters of recommendation and everything. But does not show my statement or a preview of it. It didn't say I was missing anything when I submitted it.

I've emailed and called Yale but no response.

Do you think this is just because so many people were uploading yesterday? Did it go through in time?

There's no way to go back to upload again today. There's a voice message for Yale that says if it didn't go through yesterday then you can reupload today only if you already submitted your application. But there's no option to reupload. It just says application status and you can change your address and password. That's it.

Anyone having a problem or heard anything from Yale? I'm nervous that it didn't go through :(

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No, I didn't have one problem...waiting till the last second is always asking for trouble.

All of my materials are checked off on the online status thing.

so your application has a line where it says "resume" or "statement of purpose" and a check-mark next to it?

mine doesn't have either one and i uploaded everything a while before submitting.

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so your application has a line where it says "resume" or "statement of purpose" and a check-mark next to it?

mine doesn't have either one and i uploaded everything a while before submitting.

No, mine actually doesnt have either of those things...I uploaded them with the application though. I don't see them at all on the status page. I have my statement of purpose saved on my HD...I must have uploaded it somewhere. The only thing with a red X next to it is a transcript from a school that I went to for one semester that doesn't allow online viewing of transcripts.

Edited by racuerex
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so your application has a line where it says "resume" or "statement of purpose" and a check-mark next to it?

mine doesn't have either one and i uploaded everything a while before submitting.

Now you have me worried, lol, I'm pretty sure I uploaded my CV and SOP...but now there is no evidence of it anywhere on their site.

...and I can never get a hold of anyone on the phone.

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Yale responded through email that my statement was received....I guess it just doesn't show up on the checklist.

Now you have me worried, lol, I'm pretty sure I uploaded my CV and SOP...but now there is no evidence of it anywhere on their site.

...and I can never get a hold of anyone on the phone.

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Yale responded through email that my statement was received....I guess it just doesn't show up on the checklist.

The only emails I have are for my application being processed and for my recommendation letters being received, I dont think it lets you process the app unless you have the SOP and CV in it. I sent an email to a couple of the admissions people just to be 100%.

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