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SLP/Communication Disorders Masters Applicants


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Well if that is their attitude then I wouldn't want to attend. It seems extremely arrogant and disrespectful to potential students (despite their claims that this is conscientious of them) . I am wait listed at my top choice school and while I would love to know if I am going to get off the list before the 15th of April I know that is highly unlikely. I get that I will have to put down a deposit I may loose but I am dealing with it. For them to claim they need to know right away so that someone else on their wait list won't have to wait till after the 15th is a bit absurd. It is just how the grad school process works and it benefits far more people to have an unofficial universal "reply by" date even if wait lists don't start to move until after that. Obviously people should let schools know as soon as they are ready to make a decision but to require you to do so before you have heard from the rest of your schools is just unfair. I say unless there is a huge financial/program related (ie a professor you want to work with or a specific track they offer) incentive to attend USC (which btw I always think of as University of Southern California haha) just say good riddance to them. You have already been accepted to a number of exceptional programs and you don't need to go to a school that won't take the needs of potential students into consideration.

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Yeah, I didn't think it was legally binding - wish it was :P. I kinda doubt I'll be able to get an extension - in their FAQs they say, "Because so many applicants are waiting to hear from us regarding their disposition, we are unable to grant additional time for receipt of your check." (aka my deposit/decision). The reason I'm hesitant to email them about an extension is the tone of their FAQ section...in another portion of it they say "It is quite disturbing when an applicant, upon being admitted, requests extra time stating, “Before I can make a commitment I need to come for a visit and learn more about your program.” That is the type of preparation that should have been done long before a student submits his/her application. Some students take advantage of the opportunity the internet provides by blindly applying online to a dozen or so programs, with the intention of investigating, after the fact, those programs in which they have been admitted. Our department is not interested in being participants in such a process." I guess the worst that can happen if I ask for one is to be scolded for not reading their website thoroughly, but I'm still scared to for some reason :P

Yeesh. Is it one of your top choices? You've been accepted to really great programs, I'd probably skip them if I were you, but I don't know how high they were on your list or what reasons you had for wanting to go there. I just wouldn't be able to make a decision that will impact the next 2+ years of my life feeling rushed...

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UMD gave us like 2 weeks to make a decision. I've found if you just call them and ask for an extension, almost every program will give you until April 15th to decide. Definitely worth a try! Congrats on your acceptance!!!!

Well, got an acceptance in the mail, with the same due date as you. Fairly certain I won't be able to make a decision by that date...I was offered an assistantship though, and it's my understanding that under the "Resolution Regarding Graduate Scholars" from the Council of Graduate Schools (of which South Carolina is a member), they can't obligate me to make a decision regarding accepting funding any earlier than the 15th of April - is anyone familiar with this resolution??

The letter said in bold and underlined print that there would be no exceptions to the Mar 19th deadline. I may try to explain my situation, but the wording seemed fairly definitive. Worth a shot considering how unlikely it is that I'll be able to throw $500 at them next week (the money must be in their office by 4:30pm on the date of the deadline).

Even if it all goes downhill from here, I've been accepted at one school at that's all it takes. Hopefully if I have to give up my spot at USC it will go to someone who really needs it!

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I also got the same type of email from University of Colorado stating there was a delay in processing the applications, but that I was "one of their top candidates" and they would be making the decision in the next few weeks. I am not sure what to think of it either and I am hesitant to get my hopes up. Here's to hoping they make their decision soon!

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I also got the same type of email from University of Colorado stating there was a delay in processing the applications, but that I was "one of their top candidates" and they would be making the decision in the next few weeks. I am not sure what to think of it either and I am hesitant to get my hopes up. Here's to hoping they make their decision soon!

These are scary (well, to me) because those of us that did not get those emails (well, again, I should only speak for me) are now worried about good news :(

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Same here. I should probably stay off these boards because all they seem to do is make me depressed and paranoid.

Yes. My husband wanted me to promise I wouldn't check them. I couldn't do that. I really can't wait to not be so anxious and sad and moody anymore. I'm sure my friends and family agree.

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I am going through the same thing!!! We currently live in DC and I was waitlisted at GW and am waiting to hear back from UDC. I was recently accepted to FSU's Distance program, however the program is three years and requires me to be in Florida. When I applied there in November, we were planning a move to Florida. My husband was offered an amazing job in DC, so we are here now. I am hoping for an acceptance to UDC, even though it's not a highly-rated program. I don't think I can handle three years apart. My husband is supportive of whatever I want to do, but time away takes a toll on a marriage (at least that's how I feel). We were also planning to maybe have a child during grad school. It sounds like we are in the same boat, Liz!

And I am also waitlisted at GW so we are totally in the same boat! Dumb waitlists. UDC is easier to get into than GW though, right? There's still hope!!!

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Anyone who went to a chapman interview, did you also have to fill out writing prompts afterwards?

I had an interview with chapman last week and I did have to fill out a writing prompt afterwards. there were a couple other applicants in the room with me and it looked like we all had different prompts. how do you think you did?

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When I saw that people were already doing interviews and I hadn't even heard that they received my application I emailed them to make sure. When they emailed me back to let me know they had my application they also said "we will be conducting interviews between now and April 15th"... Whether that's true or not is debatable.

I interviewed with Chapman last week and they said I wouldn't hear a decision for another 3 weeks since they are doing interviews in the weeks to come, so there's definitely still hope!!

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Man no kidding. Seemed like notification dates had been really consistent with last year until today. FAIL. Time to go drink some wine and wait for tomorrow. Cheers!

Definitely. I wasn't expecting to hear from Western Michigan University until the last week of March and was pleasantly surprised to hear from them today. It definitely helped lessen the blow from being rejected from UW-Madison. Hopefully this week brings good news for all of us!

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Does anybody have information about The University of South Carolina's program?

Honestly, all the information they put out about themselves kind of scares me, lol

Does anyone have any first hand experience with their MSP program, or know somebody who does?

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Man no kidding. Seemed like notification dates had been really consistent with last year until today. FAIL. Time to go drink some wine and wait for tomorrow. Cheers!

Yeah, and they had an extra leap day this year too! Booo. We should all just breathe and do some yoga. And wine doesn't hurt. : )

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Has anyone heard anything from the University of Florida? I was told they are hoping to send decisions by mid-March. Just wondering is anyone else has received any information? Thanks, and good luck everyone!! :)

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I'm kinda disappointed, I really thought I would hear something today... :(

Man no kidding. Seemed like notification dates had been really consistent with last year until today. FAIL. Time to go drink some wine and wait for tomorrow. Cheers!

Today was WAY to quiet. Booo.

Definitely. I wasn't expecting to hear from Western Michigan University until the last week of March and was pleasantly surprised to hear from them today. It definitely helped lessen the blow from being rejected from UW-Madison. Hopefully this week brings good news for all of us!

I feel like this week is going to be back heavy (more after wednesday). Especially with schools that use portals/email notifications. I feel like those in charge of pressing submit/send on decisions are going to want to send them and then disappear from their work emails for a few days. At least that is what I would do if I were in their position haha. Still doesn't help lessen our anxiety. I'm no longer living in Washington so I can't give anyone the word on the street about when UW have their decisions made (sorry) but as I said in an earlier post Dr. Spencer (fi she is still head of the committee) is a total sweetheart and I know that she is trying to get info out to y'all as fast as she can (while still making thoughtful decisions).

ugh! Let's all hope this week goes by fast and that we all get some good news :P

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Has anyone heard anything from the University of Florida? I was told they are hoping to send decisions by mid-March. Just wondering is anyone else has received any information? Thanks, and good luck everyone!! :)

I know UF normally tries to get decisions out by spring break (which is this week), but apparently this year they got around 150 more applications than they ever have (encouraging, right? ;) ), so I was told not to get my hopes up about hearing anything before the middle of the month. That being said, though, I'm still hoping to hear by the end of the week. Hope this week picks up and everyone gets some good news! Good luck all! :)

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I feel like this week is going to be back heavy (more after wednesday). Especially with schools that use portals/email notifications. I feel like those in charge of pressing submit/send on decisions are going to want to send them and then disappear from their work emails for a few days. At least that is what I would do if I were in their position haha. Still doesn't help lessen our anxiety. I'm no longer living in Washington so I can't give anyone the word on the street about when UW have their decisions made (sorry) but as I said in an earlier post Dr. Spencer (fi she is still head of the committee) is a total sweetheart and I know that she is trying to get info out to y'all as fast as she can (while still making thoughtful decisions).

ugh! Let's all hope this week goes by fast and that we all get some good news :P

She is still the head and she was at the Motor Speech conference in California over the weekend which delayed things a tiny bit. That conference might have delayed other schools too, as a lot of people from our field go and if they're presenting it entails a lot of preparing. I received news that we'll hear "very soon, before the end of the week..." from UW. Not specific enough for my liking, but I'll take it I guess.

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I know UF normally tries to get decisions out by spring break (which is this week), but apparently this year they got around 150 more applications than they ever have (encouraging, right? ;) ), so I was told not to get my hopes up about hearing anything before the middle of the month. That being said, though, I'm still hoping to hear by the end of the week. Hope this week picks up and everyone gets some good news! Good luck all! :)

Thank you for the info! I heard the same thing, soo many applications aghh!! I wonder if they work over the spring break and there is a possibility of hearing something this week? Also, have you received any emails or any kind of correspondence from them yet? Thanks!!

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Thank you for the info! I heard the same thing, soo many applications aghh!! I wonder if they work over the spring break and there is a possibility of hearing something this week? Also, have you received any emails or any kind of correspondence from them yet? Thanks!!

I know...I feel like all schools are getting so many applications this year!! Last year UF emailed decisions toward the end of spring break, so I guess they do work through it. And no, I haven't gotten any emails from them or heard anything other than that!

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I bit the bullet and called Columbia Teacher's College today. The nice woman I spoke with said mid-March. Just a few more weeks!

Thanks for passing on the information! I'm crossing my fingers for you and all the rest of us that applied.

My permanent and current addresses are the same, so I'm not sure... Maybe slp90 can answer that for you.

I also applied to the STEPS program and I got my letter on Tuesday, so I don't think that's why you haven't heard anything yet. Don't worry too much about it though, people are still hearing back from IU so I'm sure both you and remmy will hear back early next week -- hopefully with some good news!

It was good news!! You were right not to worry--thank you :D The letter (dated Feb 23 and postmarked Feb 29) arrived today at my current (not permanent) address and I am ecstatic. The STEPS program looks great and the funding makes it easier to stomach the debt, which is a big concern for me as an older student. I'm going to wait to hear back from other schools and to get some questions answered about STEPS before I commit, but this is definitely high on my list.

To those who felt that they wouldn't get in anywhere, I hope it means something when I tell you that I felt the same way (my stats might look good, but I have zero background in the field)--I was even having a hard time sleeping. If I got in, you will, too, so I'm going to stay tuned to this forum to hear the news of your acceptances.

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She is still the head and she was at the Motor Speech conference in California over the weekend which delayed things a tiny bit. That conference might have delayed other schools too, as a lot of people from our field go and if they're presenting it entails a lot of preparing. I received news that we'll hear "very soon, before the end of the week..." from UW. Not specific enough for my liking, but I'll take it I guess.

And the waiting continues.... lol

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