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Open House Invitation


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Hi guys, I'm not familiar with the Open House thing. I have been invited to the Open House of Ohio State MAE. Is it like an interview? Does that mean I have been admitted? Does not going will adversely affect my application if they are still considering my application?

Thank you guys!

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I don't know if this helps, but I've been invited to an open house at Johns Hopkins after I received admission. So its absolutely possible that you`re admitted too. (doesn't your invitation say anything else that might give a hint?)

The prof who offered me admission said that the open house is supposed to be an event to get to know the faculty and facitities. My concern is whether I should go there. I would have to cross an ocean to get there, and I don't know if it is worth the costs etc., as I am admitted anyway.

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An Open House is a 1-2 day event during which accepted/short-listed applicants visit the school; the day usually consists of meetings with different faculty, chats with current students and other admitted applicants who are also attending the Open House, sitting in on classes, some lunch/dinner event with the current students and/or faculty, tours of the campus and city, etc. This event can occur both before and after admission. If it's before admission, you are at the very least on the short-list and you have great chances of being accepted--especially if the school is paying for you to come. In that case, it will be important for you to attend, if possible, in order to make a good impression and have a better chance of being selected for admission. If you've already been accepted then it's still good to go, but less crucial. If possible, you should try and visit every school whose admissions offer you are considering. Seeing the school and town in person and talking to faculty and students may change your mind about a place. If you are coming from far away, try combining all your visits to one trip. Many schools offer partial travel funding that could add up to cover most of your expenses (depending on costs vs. how many places you were accepted to). If the school is not offering funding or you are otherwise incapable of going, you should still request to have phone-interviews/conversations with faculty and students at the school. That's important both in the pre-admission case and in the post-admission case.

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