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Anxiety level through the roof


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I used to think that way. Then, I realized that being less stressed in general would include being less stressed about money. But, no one here can fore you to get help if you don't want to. If you'd rather just go through dealing with things the way you have been, then let money be the reason you don't try to get help.

Have you seen every possible person at your campus health center? I know ours has something like 15 therapists, so it would definitely take a while to go through initial meetings with all of them.

At this point, you just seem obstinate and unwilling to make any sort of major change that might help things. That's fine. I think it's a stage pretty much everyone that needs to talk to someone goes through. But, at some point you have to decide to do what is best for you right now, rather than worrying about how it might make your finances more difficult later. You can pay back any debt you may have to acquire. But, the stress, anxiety, etc. That will shave months, if not years, off your life.

Money would be less stressful if I wasn't struggling so much to pay the bills. Extra debts are out of the question right now. Besides, I can't have any credit cards.

It's not that I don't want to make a change, it's just that I am in a difficult situation right now. I have talked to several different people there at the health center, but I won't see some of them because they are men. Talking to some strange man about my problems (especially "girl" problems) is out of the question. Tell you what, I'll go back to the health center and talk to them about what my options are. Maybe they have a better suggestion.

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