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Topic: "A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college."

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree to disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

Essay: Every student in a particular nation should, from kindergarten through 12th grade, be taught the same curriculum as every other student in their grade. This is because an unequal distribution of financial and educational resources for children makes it so that their entire life is dictated by circumstances outside of their control.

Some may say that financial resources only matter for adults and do not have much of an influence on children, but this is not true. This is especially clear when you consider how different financial circumstances influence childrens' education. Children whose parent's have lots of wealth are more likely to get a higher education than those whose parents have less wealth. Children of wealthy parents will most likely go to an expensive private school with quality education, as well as resources for getting a high-quality secondary education. Children whose parents are middle or lower-class, meanwhile, will most likely have to go to the nearby public school. Public schools tend to have lower-quality education than private schools and receive less funding. Additionally, public schools are also less likely to have resources that will help students acquire a high-quality secondary education.

People may be uncomfortable by the idea that all students should have the same national curriculum before college because personal freedom is generally something that is highly valued amongst many people. If parents want to send their children to private school, shouldn't they be able to? The issue with this is that personal freedom does not truly exist when you factor in financial inequality. While it is true that wealthy parents have the freedom to send their children wherever they want for their education, lower-class parents do not. Therefore, it could hardly be said that personal freedom in terms of educational choice actually exists. If it did, then it would exist for everyone. 

Additionally, some opponents to this argument may say that wealthy parents have every right to give their child a higher-quality education because they worked harder than lower-class parents and that's why they should have more freedom in terms of their child's academics. While this may be the case for the parents, it is not the case of the children. The wealthy children certaintly did not "work harder" than their lower-class counterparts. The children from neither group had any choice over the circumstances they were born into. So why should they have an uneven playing field when it comes to their future economic prosperity? If economic prosperity is truly based on "hard-work", then hard-working students will still be able to prosper above their peers once they get to college. Those student's financial success will therefore truly be dependent on hard-work, and not the financial circumstances into which they were born, if that were the case.

In conclusion, a nation should require that all its students have the same education before entering college because this gives every student, regardless of their financial background, a chance at econnomic prosperity. Through this system, financial success and stability will truly be based on a person's hard-work, and not circumstances over which they could not have had any control over. This would therefore enhance personal freedom.

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