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2024 Creative Writing MFA Applicants Forum


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25 minutes ago, mr. specific said:

Sorry, I think my professor was mistaken and I passed on bad intel. They told me Michener only took 3 when they usually take 12. I assumed they meant for the whole program, but I guess three is the correct number for each genre. Anyway, I think it's safe to assume if you didn't get the call, count Michener out. Waitlists may still be forthcoming?

Ohh that makes sense. Yep, planning to cross that one off my list tomorrow!


16 minutes ago, branch said:

Just curious if anyone has applied to and is waiting to hear back from NCSU still! I know someone here/in Draft got a call from Belle Boggs last week for fiction, but so far that’s the only report I’ve seen so I’m wondering if maybe it was an early notification? Possibly just completely deluded at this point but wondering if anyone is in the same boat…

I’m still waiting on NCSU, Arizona Tucson, and SF State. :3 Yayyyyyy for all the acceptances!

Ah that was me with NCSU. So sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I get the sense they're done. I'm local, so I went to a reading last week and the current students I met mentioned they knew two of the other people in my potential fiction cohort (a current undergrad and a current MA student they'd taken classes with). It seems like networking or locality might really matter for NCSU? But also this was my 3rd round and I've lived in the area the whole time? Either way, I'm sorry to have that insight to share.

ETA: I don't know anything about waitlist though!! I got my call Thursday, and I still haven't gotten the official offer email because of the holiday. So those could go out this week? I hope the best for you there! Also, I hope it's not weird to say I liked your intro post and it sounds like I'd enjoy studying with you.

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There is another Michener acceptance on the draft spreadsheet, which makes that two in total and one more left. So I suppose I can cross it off my list. Pretty devastating to receive back-to-back blows after Cornell, but I feel like I did that to myself with all the schools I applied to. I guess they were all long shots to begin with, so I'm just going to soldier on until the end of the cycle and then call it a day. 

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4 minutes ago, saramsarang said:

There is another Michener acceptance on the draft spreadsheet, which makes that two in total and one more left. So I suppose I can cross it off my list. Pretty devastating to receive back-to-back blows after Cornell, but I feel like I did that to myself with all the schools I applied to. I guess they were all long shots to begin with, so I'm just going to soldier on until the end of the cycle and then call it a day. 

Feeling this with you. 🫂

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12 minutes ago, jadedoptimist said:

Have we established that Michener fiction went out but not poetry yet? Let me keep my hope one more night...

I do think that's the case. Both acceptances are from Fiction and based on past years, it seems like they have a week gap between genres (?) In any case the person who got the call first for Michener also has a place in Vandy, so here's to hoping that you can get off the waitlist in the meantime while you wait!

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4 hours ago, branch said:

Just curious if anyone has applied to and is waiting to hear back from NCSU still! I know someone here/in Draft got a call from Belle Boggs last week for fiction, but so far that’s the only report I’ve seen so I’m wondering if maybe it was an early notification? Possibly just completely deluded at this point but wondering if anyone is in the same boat…

I’m still waiting on NCSU, Arizona Tucson, and SF State. :3 Yayyyyyy for all the acceptances!

I’m assuming rejection myself. Do NOT give me hope. 

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4 hours ago, saramsarang said:

I do think that's the case. Both acceptances are from Fiction and based on past years, it seems like they have a week gap between genres (?) In any case the person who got the call first for Michener also has a place in Vandy, so here's to hoping that you can get off the waitlist in the meantime while you wait!

Thanks! If u don't mind, where are you seeing that it's the same person? The michener acceptance in the spreadsheet is under a pseudonym that only has one other entry and it's not Vandy🫡

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Morning folks. Who is this mystery person who got into Vandy, UW, and Michener? Lucky duck. 

1 hour ago, Scribe said:

Sorry, where are we seeing 3 per genre? 
I’m feeling sick about this. 

According to the website: 

“NWP typically accepts three poets and three fiction writers into the program each year for a total cohort of eighteen students. MCW accepts an incoming class of twelve students per year distributed across four genres (typically with more fiction writers and poets than screenwriters or playwrights) for an overall cohort of thirty-six students.”

So I’m not losing hope yet! I hate that they contacted people over the holiday. 

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7 minutes ago, jadedoptimist said:

Thanks! If u don't mind, where are you seeing that it's the same person? The michener acceptance in the spreadsheet is under a pseudonym that only has one other entry and it's not Vandy🫡

Ah, I was talking about the person with the pseudonym YD who has entries of acceptance for Madison, Vandy and Michener. But they are all for fiction and not poetry, so I completely messed up the genres...I'm sorry for the confusion, did not mean to give false hope to anyone 🙈

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12 minutes ago, jadedoptimist said:

@saramsarang no worries!! I'm still super hopeful, bc it seems like Michener hasn't sent poetry acceptances yet! Condolences to all who applied for fiction and here's hoping for a waitlist notif!

It ain’t over til it’s over! It looks like they notified international people on different time zones last night and I think other fiction calls are going out today 

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Just now, Hjanep said:

It ain’t over til it’s over! It looks like they notified international people on different time zones last night and I think other fiction calls are going out today 

I'll be rooting for one of you guys to get that last call ❤️

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Looking at michener stuff in draft, and it's making me feel like a total idiot because i didn't know you only had to pay the fee once to apply to nwp 😭I wasted that money and time on northwestern when i could have applied to nwp! Oh well, it's a learning experience. if i have to apply again I'll be much more informed!

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Good morning everyone! Found this website a week ago, and thought I'd finally join the party lol. A lil about me: I'm a late bloomer when it comes to higher education, didn't start my undergrad until I was 27 (now 32). Before then I spent my youth working at a music shop and screaming in punk bands. My undergrad was in photography and bookmaking, but my real passion for as long as I can remember has been writing poetry. A few years ago I was fortunate enough to befriend a poetry professor who thinks I should be published, and they've been guiding me in fine tuning pieces to submit for publication, but so far no luck. Hence here I am with one rejection from Cornell and six more schools to go (U Mich, Brown, Sarah Lawrence, U Maryland, U Pittsburgh, Emerson). I wish I could have applied to more programs to increase my chances, but I am a transgender woman, so most of the country is now off limits for me, especially here in Florida where I'm currently stuck and my access to healthcare has been effectively cut off. Praying graduate school saves me from the swamp!

Congrats to those who have received acceptances and waitlists! And may the rest of us hold onto our sanity lol

Edited by SisterRimbaud
spell check
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1 hour ago, jadedoptimist said:

Thanks! If u don't mind, where are you seeing that it's the same person? The michener acceptance in the spreadsheet is under a pseudonym that only has one other entry and it's not Vandy🫡

The person you are talking about got waitlisted at a “less selective” school so there’s still hope for us waitlisters🕯️

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If the person who got an acceptance from the University of Tennessee (fiction) is in this forum, could you please provide insight as to whether or not they've notified all fiction admits? 


- nervous applicant


(Fiction) 1A/1W/0R/3P

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43 minutes ago, jadedoptimist said:

Looking at michener stuff in draft, and it's making me feel like a total idiot because i didn't know you only had to pay the fee once to apply to nwp 😭I wasted that money and time on northwestern when i could have applied to nwp! Oh well, it's a learning experience. if i have to apply again I'll be much more informed!

Don’t feel too bad. I did the same thing. 

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2 hours ago, pomelo said:

Morning folks. Who is this mystery person who got into Vandy, UW, and Michener? Lucky duck. 

According to the website: 

“NWP typically accepts three poets and three fiction writers into the program each year for a total cohort of eighteen students. MCW accepts an incoming class of twelve students per year distributed across four genres (typically with more fiction writers and poets than screenwriters or playwrights) for an overall cohort of thirty-six students.”

So I’m not losing hope yet! I hate that they contacted people over the holiday. 

Unclear and angering. 

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I've been thinking a lot about this phenomenon: when a few people get into almost every school they applied to... Last year I think there was a poet who got into like 8 fully-funded top tier programs. Good writing is good writing objectively, sure, (and I'm sure they're brilliant), but it seems kinda alarming that 8+ different adcoms thought the same thing by admitting that person. To me, that's a sort of omen to these programs that hints that they don't really have things in particular that they're looking for, and I can't stop feeling like that sort of erases all the unique things all of us bring to the table. Thoughts?

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