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Waitlisted and wondering


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Hi, I'm pretty new here, so I hope I'm posting in the right place.

I got an email Friday (9. March) from my top choice of the MFA studio art programs I applied to. I applied to very few programs, which in retrospect was probably unwise. Anyway the email said I am on the waitlist, but the professor who sent it also wrote "If you are contemplating accepting an offer elsewhere, I urge you to be in touch so we can discuss your options at Adventure Time University" (not the real name, should I just say it? I don't know). 

I am not used to US-American academic politics, after living and making art in Austria for a few years now (and before that, was not in the arts in the US but in another career field). My question is, how detailed should I be in what I reply with? The fact of the matter is that I don't have many other offers, and applied to few schools. I have one offer also from a US institution with full funding and a 3-year scholarship, which I know sounds amazing, but it is not the most ideal town to be a queer person in, or to have a lot of access to off-spaces and other art-community resources. It is a great program (not as in prestigious, just, I like the faculty and what other students are doing there), which is why I applied. But I'm not sure. So, that said, I am of course considering the offer I do have, but I'd rather go to Adventure Time University and want to reply to their waitlist email in a way that is appropriate. Should I simply mention that I have another offer I'm considering? Should I provide documentation of the acceptance? They will know it's not a prestigious program if I do, but I think that's okay with me. 

Just looking for advice. Thank you and sending happy thoughts to everyone as you navigate this application season. 

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