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Let's start an experimental interview/reject thread


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Surely I'm no the only one scouring both this board and the other place for schools that have already sent interview/reject emails. But that other forum is only for clinical students, which doesn't help us would be experimental people as our due dates are usually 2-4 weeks after theirs.



Your background and rough grades:

Programs applied to:

Interview invitations, method of delivery, and date received:

Rejection notifications, method of delivery, and date received:

Have any of your programs sent other people invites:

Format rational:

1) Different departments often have different due dates.

2) How do you compare? Let's find out!

3) It helps other applicants find their programs.

4 and 5) Method of delivery and date help us know if an invitation/rejection should have arrived. Clinical people mostly receive invite phone calls from their adviser interest while most rejections are sent via email; a few people have received both mass invite/reject emails or snail mail letters.

6) You may still have a chance!

My applications:

Your background and grades: Psychology major, over 30 hours of zoology type courses, and 7 terms as a RA. Grades: upper division was 3.8 while lower division were bad due to misdiagnosed health problems, for which I provided medical documentation. Whether or not that applicants you out is yet to be seen.

Programs applied to: Rutgers, WSU, UT Austin, ASU, WUSTL, K-state, UVM, UDel

Interview invitations, method of delivery, and date received: None

Rejection notifications, method of delivery, and date received: None

Have any of your programs sent other people invites: WUSTL and WSU's biopsychology departments have sent invites to at least one person each.

Note about WSU: they didn't receive or otherwise lost one of my transcripts and didn't notify me until 13 days after the due date. Then the offered to extend their deadline by 2 days while my university was shut down for the break.

Best of luck and please help network with your fellow aspiring experimental psychologists.


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Psychology: 3.5 GPA, 1320 GRE (Q:720, V: 600)

Programs: MSU, UMich, CMU, Wayne State, WashU, IU, ChicagoBooth, Akron, BGSU

By the way, I don't think the transcripts will hold up your applications. Several programs I talked about my transcript told me that because I uploaded my unofficial transcript, it will not hold up my application. I'm sure god knows how many of these things get lost in the process. If they really want you and want to confirm your grades, they will ask you for them later on if you did not get it to them the first time. Basically, if they like you, the transcript won't stop them. If they don't want you, even a 4.0 transcript won't help you.

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I was wondering if anyone has heard from ASU yet?

Emphasis: Cog Psych: Interested in Semantic Memory and Visual Perception

Your background and rough grades: 3.65 Overall 3.83 Psych

Programs applied to: ASU, BSU, WSU, Kent, K-State, Cincy, CSU

Edited by PschVeg
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Emphasis: Cognitive

Background and grades: 3.95 overall

Programs applied to: Stanford, Berkeley, MIT BCS, UCSD CogSci, Northwestern, UCLA, Harvard, Yale, WUSTL

Interviews (notified by email): Stanford, Berkeley, MIT, UCSD, Northwestern

Invites sent to other people: UCLA has sent invites to other areas, but I'm not sure about cognitive

Has anyone heard back from UCLA cognitive or Harvard and Yale yet?

Thank you! :)

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When did K-state send your interview request?

I heard from K-State Friday Night via email. Interview weekend/ Open House is Feb 25th thru 27th.

WSU has also sent out their first wave of interview invites.

Kent State interview weekend is Feb 11th and 12th.

It is hard to sit and wait but hopefully we will all hear something positive this week!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Emphasis: Child development.

Your background and rough grades: 2.5 yrs of RA, honors program, 3 or 4 conf presentations, 1 paper submitted for pub. Current undergrad, 3.95 gpa. GRE 1140 and 5.5.

Programs applied to: Columbia TC, BC Lynch school of ED, UT Austin (HDFS), Temple, GMU, VCU, CUNY

Interview invitations, method of delivery, and date received: I've heard back from everywhere but Columbia via email for interviews. UT ( early december, interviewed there late january. Got accepted here a few days after interview), Temple ( heard back early december, interviewed there late january), VCU (heard early january, interviewed there early February), GMU (heard via email, interview there late feb but contemplating dropping out), CUNY (heard early february, phone interview next week), BC (heard via email/phone this week, interview late february)

Rejections: None yet, but I feel i've been wait listed at Temple or rejected, due to the fact that I haven't heard anything in terms of acceptance.

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Emphasis: Developmental Psychology, interested in language acquisition

Background and grades: I am an international student. conducted three research projects during undergraduate. worked as a RA in UCLA in 2010 summer. GPA: 3.96 overall; 4.00 PSYCH

Programs applied to: Stanford, Harvard, UCLA(cognitive), UIUC, Umich, Emory, WUSTL, Duke, Cornell, OSU, Maryland

Interviews (notified by email): UIUC(got admitted two days after interview), OSU, UCLA, Maryland


Hopefully all applicants could get good offers!

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Emphasis: Developmental (To be specific, affective cognitive developmental neuroscience... :blink:)

Your background and rough grades: 2.5 years full time research (1.25 years development and 1.25 years in cognitive, both full time paid). 2.5 years undergrad research at R1 public university. honors thesis (in social). No authorship, but results of my thesis were published in a different paper (I was a footnote; kinda pissed me off to be honest). Co-authored large federal grant funded for 400K over 3 years (for the organization I was working with, not for me!). 1290 GRE. 3.37 GPA (which is why i've waited 3 years to apply!).

Programs applied to: UCLA, Georgetown, UCBoulder, UOregon, WUSTL

Interview invitations, method of delivery, and date received: UCLA- invited in early January via e-mail from POI.

Rejections: None, but I'm thinking that no contact at this point means rejection... most likely. Hopefully UCLA works out, it was my first choice anyway.

I feel like we're getting so personal....

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Emphasis: Cognitive psychology/learning sciences

Background & Grades: approx 3.6 overall GPA for undergraduate work, 4 years of undergraduate research work (Behavioral neuroscience and Cognitive labs) at a Tier 1 selective small liberal arts college, 1 year undergraduate TA for psychology research methods & statistics course, honors thesis (in collaborative problem solving and text processing). 1st author for peer-reviewed paper on a portion of my honors thesis results, several undergraduate departmental awards and summer research fellowships. Post-bac research work at a large R1 university reading and language lab at a well-known learning research center.

Programs applied to: Purdue (Ed Psych/learning sciences), Indiana (Learning Sciences), Kent State (cog), U of Kentucky, U of Cincinnati, University of Illinois-Chicago, Ohio State, Old Dominion, Pitt (cognitive + learning sciences), George Mason (applied cognition masters)

Interviews: Kent State - Feb 11-12, UIC- Feb 24-26, U of Kentucky - March 3-4, Phone interview with George Mason (Feb 16th)

Rejections: As of now, only OSU. Most likely ones from Pitt's psych program and Cincinnati (but they are ranked a ton lower than most of my programs). Still waiting to hear from IU and Old Dominion. Having good thoughts about the Kent weekend and Pitt's Learning Sciences program.

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Emphasis: BA in Neuroscience, interest in language acquisition

Your background and rough grades: 3.52 GPA, 1580/4.5 GRE, 2.5 years RA, 4 pubs (2 under review)

Programs applied to: All psych dept--UPenn, NYU, Rutgers (RUCCS), UT Austin, BC, Cornell

Interview invitations, method of delivery, and date received: Interviews to be held at NYU, Rutgers, UT Austin. No news from any others.

Have any of your programs sent other people invites: UPenn

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Emphasis: Cognitive Science/Cognitive Psychology: Embodiment and Language Comprehension

Your background and rough grades: Studied Cognitive Science at UConn; GRE: 1100; GPA: 3.66 (overall)/3.89 (major); 3 semesters of RA experience; 1 independent research project/senior thesis

Programs applied to: FSU (cognitive psych), ASU (cognitive psych), and UC, Merced (cognitive science).

Interview invitations, method of delivery, and date received: Nothing so far.

Rejection notifications, method of delivery, and date received: Nothing so far.

Have any of your programs sent other people invites: Not to my knowledge.

Edited by lowShoulder
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