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Time from now till August (when you join grad school)


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Oh, and also planning my July/Aug wedding!

Ooo congratulations!

I hope to spend the summer living between my parents' house and my boyfriend's house while commuting to NYC for a Met internship. I'll also be running a western martial arts class for my Viking living history group, and polishing my written and spoken German.

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I know EXACTLY what I plan on doing if I get accepted to grad school!

1. Quit my job in mid-June

2. Pack/store stuff

3. Backpack Europe for a few weeks with my brother

4. Spend a couple of weeks relaxing at my parents house in sunny Florida

5. Spend last couple of weeks moving and getting settled

Wish I could have more time between quitting my job and starting school, but I have to work to pay for my European adventure!

It's so fun to dream about such happy things.


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I have a full time job so I will remain here until first week in september, hopefully maintain enough interest and motivation and remain low key

Depending on the school, I have to work out a plan for moving into school housing, finding a school for my son, renting my house, etc etc etc

my activities will be largely working out the logistics of my new life :)

No fun for me, but grad school will be fun!

Yeah, that's me! My plans are to keep my full-time job, live as frugally as possible until the last possible moment, socking away every spare cent, so that I can live off the (hopefully) $3.25/hour I figure I can expect if/when I'm accepted, and spend every second I have with my family. I'll be leaving them all behind, including my brand-new nephew, and since plane tickets costs money, and I won't have any, I figure I'll see him again when he's walking. Other than that, my plans are to make it through the rest of the month and next without getting fired for irrational behavior stemming from lack of knowledge of grad school status. That pretty much consumes all my energy.

Irony of ironies: I am the admissions coordinator for a grad school in California. Replying to fevered queries of applicants only makes my own torment worse, but I do understand, so I think I'm pretty gentle with them . . . except the ones that email/call me 30 times a week. Those I just want to stone.

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My current Forest Service internship goes through the end of March. After that, I'm going to visit a few of my potential schools before making an decision. Where exactly I visit depends on where I get admitted... but probably an Indiana/Missouri swing.

Then it'll be time for a quick vacation - maybe some Arizona high deserts or something?

In late April, I'll start working as a GS-5 interpretive park ranger at the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center in Juneau. With luck, that will be my job for the next two summers, transitioning to a career permanent position after I graduate.

Edited by polarscribe
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