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Last minute fellowships, etc


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Hi all,

I was accepted to the international relations MA program at University of Chicago with a half-tuition fellowship, and I'm looking for ways to make up the rest. I didn't apply for any of the big fellowships last fall - probably a bad move. Does anyone know of any fellowships still open for the 2008-2009 year? I know it's a longshot, but I figure there might be something.


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I don't mean to sound snarky at all, but I think most people take out loans for their MA. You're lucky you got half tuition. Only one person in my MA program was offered full-funding per year, and it was an all or nothing scenario.

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Hi all,

I was accepted to the international relations MA program at University of Chicago with a half-tuition fellowship, and I'm looking for ways to make up the rest. I didn't apply for any of the big fellowships last fall - probably a bad move. Does anyone know of any fellowships still open for the 2008-2009 year? I know it's a longshot, but I figure there might be something.


hey, i think your inclination is probably right as far as external fellowships go. normally, i think your program would be the best bet for funding, but my feeling is that it might be hard to get extra $$ at chicago because the program is pretty large. if i were you, i would call the director of my program and just explain that you are in need of additional funding, and ask if there are any opportunities to be a research assistant, etc. this way, they will keep you in mind when these opportunities arise. i would also check out centers and related departments within the university and see if they are hiring grad assistants. if you ask around, you never know what might come your way-- i think people are often reluctant to ask, but the worst they can say is no. the other thing is i would definitely fill out a FAFSA if you haven't already so you can become eligible for work study. a lot of times you can get a pretty decent paying job at the school through that. probably won't be enough to cover tuition but might help defray costs.

by the way- as a terminal MA student (not at chicago) i assumed that i would get no financial aid. the summer before i started i got a call from the department with a research assistantship and tuition waiver for 1 year. the second year i got a tuition scholarship for all but 3 credits of my degree. so, i don't think it's that unusual to get funding for an MA. i think it just depends on the size and resources of your program.

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