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Phone Message


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I just received a voice mail message from a graduate school "marketing assistant" about an MA program I applied to a couple weeks ago. She said the call was to see if I had any questions about the application process or grad student life there or anything like that, and she invited me to some open house thing in early March, saying they'd refund my app fee if I came. She also left her "personal" cell phone number so I could call back. I really don't think it means anything regarding a decision, as this is a marketing person and the application deadline isn't until March 1, but do they really call each applicant individually???

Edited by gradgirlwannabe
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It sounds a lot like marketing, rather than a decision, as you say. Still, I would call her back and talk to her - it's quite unusual from what I've seen for someone from a school to be calling applicants like this. Good luck!

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I can't imagine they would call everyone who applies...

I can't either. It sounds promising - I hope they aren't playing games with your heart though. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

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