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Where's the Enthusiasm???


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I have three things to say in response:

Number one: Pooh on you!

Number two: The author of your book is on crack if he thinks Kentucky is even possibly a Midwestern state. What's next? Oklahoma?

Number three: For those who disagree with number two, please refer to number one (which, ironically refers to "number two").

I have a number of Okie friends who believe their state to be a part of the Midwest. 8)

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That's because they were bused to Texas for their "schooling."


Anyway, I am from Michigan (basically the state that defines the Midwest), and we have a couple of small mountains for skiing. I used to be part of a ski club, too! And no, for those of you with any lingering doubts, Kentucky is NOT NOT NOT part of the Midwest.

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Hm, I don't know much about skiing or the Midwest. I grew up on the shore by the North Sea, and our highest mountain is about 10 feet... :) But I do agree with what everyone else here has been saying about the lack of excitement after getting accepted. I actually feel exactly the opposite and am wondering even if Grad School is the right path for me. My problem is that I am sick of not having a real income, and in the process of being in school I am accruing more and more debt. I am almost 26, and a lot of my friends have real jobs, bought houses or condos, have nice cars etc... Of course, most of that is on credit too, but at least they have something to show for. We students are poor and most of us have quite a bit of debt. I know money isn't everything, but it's really bothering me that I can't be independent. Anyone else feeling depressed about being poor for another 2 years or more?

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  • 10 months later...
So i find out I got accepted to a Top 10 PhD program in my field, called my family and friends to let them know the news...everyone was excited except for me!

I'm totally blah as if I hadn't heard back anything yet.

Has anyone else gone through this or is going through this? I want to be ecstatic, this is a dream come true, but yet I'm just normal. I really want to be happy! :|

Give it a moment to sink in. It may not actually do that until you get to your first day of classes...but at that point, your head may spin, so be prepared :lol:

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