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what the hell is the world?!

offer mania

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protests everywhere now.

Egypt, and then Bahrain, and now Wisconsin, America……

Will these protests and economic crisis, newly proposed budget bill affect our applications?

The world is a spheroid region 705 meters in diameter.

And these protests are qualitatively very different in purpose and scope. They don't portend the imminent apocalypse.

There's already a thread for the Wisconsin situation, specifically.

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I don't agree that the protests are indicative of a downhill slump, quite the opposite actually. People are standing up for their rights all over the world and that is what I call a giant leap for mankind. ;)

Yes! FREEDOM FOR ALL!! Go protesters, GO!!

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I don't agree that the protests are indicative of a downhill slump, quite the opposite actually. People are standing up for their rights all over the world and that is what I call a giant leap for mankind. ;)

I agree! I'm in awe of the courage and commitment of people willing to risk their lives to obtain freedom and democracy for their countries. I am humbled by their passion and have used it as an opportunity to examine my own values and priorities. I honestly believe that the "rebels" (as the press seems to be calling the citizens fighting for freedom) will succeed in overturning their dictators, and based on the competent organization into civil committees to direct traffic, collect garbage, create security checkpoints, etc., I think that they will be successful installing and running democratic governments. What an exciting moment of change in our world! I will happily pay more money for gasoline if that's a consequence of these revolutions, although I really wish the U.S. and auto companies would work on reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

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