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Shipping work rolled up in large tube?


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I am shipping a large drawing on paper, rolled up, to SMFA. I need a large sturdy tube, at least 8 feet long and about 10-12 inches wide. I understand there might be some heaviness but light as possible to keep costs low. Must be sturdy.

Where can I buy a large tube like this? I need to buy locally (Minneapolis) due to time constrictions.

Also, what is the best way to ship this? Fedex or UPS. Fedex said they won't insure the artwork. So I'd have to go through an art insurance company seperately?

Did anyone have to ship their work rolled up to a school?

Please help. I need to go buy one today and figure out the shipping/insurance before Monday?

My personal assistant/intern did not find out much info about this... :/


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staples should carry cardboard tubes/cylinders used for mailing. or local bookstores... perhaps even the university bookstores. also fedex, ups should sell these in one of their pack-and-ship branches. buy the smallest size possible that fits your painting, then go to usps or ups and then ship it. you can put the cardboard tube inside a box full or bubble wraps or those styrofoam stuff, and ship it this way - probably safer than shipping just the tube.

you can also buy plastic tubes, which are much more sturdier than cardboard tubes. but these will be more expensive and little heavier. for insurance, just pick one that provides the insurance. if you have time, you can call few local insurance providers and see if they are willing to insure your item for a period of few days.

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Staples tubes aren't large enough. Home depot has large tubes but it says that they allow moisture in (they aren't made for shipping). I could always wrap in plastic.

Fedex does not insure artwork because the value is "undetermined". They insure things like chairs, etc. I need insurance for $7500.

UPS does not insure over 100 and won't allow additional insurance.

Art insurance companies want to make an appointment to inspect or personally package the artwork and take at least a week to ship, super expensive.

Too large to bring on plane, oversized limit 62".

I'm going to have to take my drawing and wrap around a cardboard tube and then insert into another tube so the edges are protected. Otherwise, if it moves back and forth it will rip or dent the edges.

staples should carry cardboard tubes/cylinders used for mailing. or local bookstores... perhaps even the university bookstores. also fedex, ups should sell these in one of their pack-and-ship branches. buy the smallest size possible that fits your painting, then go to usps or ups and then ship it. you can put the cardboard tube inside a box full or bubble wraps or those styrofoam stuff, and ship it this way - probably safer than shipping just the tube.

you can also buy plastic tubes, which are much more sturdier than cardboard tubes. but these will be more expensive and little heavier. for insurance, just pick one that provides the insurance. if you have time, you can call few local insurance providers and see if they are willing to insure your item for a period of few days.

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I found some tubes locally through a construction company. They are intended for concrete, but they can cut them to size. Mine is over 7 feet long.

Problem is that shipping Fedex and UPS are away too expensive. Totally close to $300 or more if you count both ways.

Getting different answers about bringing on plane as oversized check-in luggage.

I'm wishing that I would have planned driving out to Boston instead of flying, it would be cheaper to bring the work with.

Unless I get lucky and find someone in my area that is driving to Boston this week (and coming back soon) that is willing to bring my tube with (compensated of course).....Otherwise, I plan to package my work and bring to airport and hope they will take it and it won't be too expensive.

Anyone else having trouble with shipping or bringing work on plane? Anyone from the Midwest going to Boston this week and willing to bring my tube with if I pay?

These are really light and sturdy and come in many sizes.


I worked for ups one summer. If you get the cheapest insurance the packages go the same place the most expensive insurance items go.

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If I may play devil's advocado for a moment...why are you so set on brining the drawing? The email said bringing work is optional, and personally, I think they're more interested in seeing how we talk about our work at this point.

I totally get why you would want to, but it sounds like this peice is huge if it's 8 feet in the shortest direction. Did you ask them if you'll be able to display it? I'm more curious because I'm wonderering how the interviews are set up..like in a classroom or office, etc.

Also, see you there. I'll be getting in friday evening.

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Because my work doesn't come across as well through digital photos. They limited the size for the photos so you can't zoom in enough for detail. You can't see the actual texture through the photograph and grasp the scale of the work. It has a different presence when standing in front of it vs. a digital photo projected. I've had work rejected based on the dig photos and then when presented in person it is accepted. So really wanted to bring it if possible. Didn't think just shipping a large tube would be difficult.

They said that the interviews are in classrooms and offices. I requested a larger room with flat wall space. They said I could bring my drawing and make room for it. You can arrange to have your work shipped to the office ahead of time as well.

If I am not able to get the drawing there, then I'll just bring additional photos. Really wish I would have just planned on driving out instead of flying. oh well :(

I'm arriving Friday around 10am so I can spend time in the city and have plenty of time to relax the night before the interview. Leaving Sun mid afternoon. Direct flight, yay!

See you there :)

If I may play devil's advocado for a moment...why are you so set on brining the drawing? The email said bringing work is optional, and personally, I think they're more interested in seeing how we talk about our work at this point.

I totally get why you would want to, but it sounds like this peice is huge if it's 8 feet in the shortest direction. Did you ask them if you'll be able to display it? I'm more curious because I'm wonderering how the interviews are set up..like in a classroom or office, etc.

Also, see you there. I'll be getting in friday evening.

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well, good luck. I'll be keeping my eyes out for a gigantic tube when I get there!

I'm not looking forward to burning all day friday traveling (6 hour flight plus 3 hour time change). Better than a red-eye, though.

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