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Should I tell them about my accepted article?


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Here is the deal. I applied to 4 schools and have been wait listed to two (my 2 top choices). I am still waiting to hear from the fourth school. I recently had an article accepted for publication which will come out in April. I had listed that article as "in theworks" on my CV. This will be my fourth publication. Should I notify the two schools I was wait listed at about the accepted article. Since I arleady have three publications does a fourth one really make a big difference to adcomms? If I notify them, I am afraid to look desperate. At the same time, if it will help me I don't want to waste the opportunity. Any thoughts??? Could it help or hurt?????

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It could only help you. I think you should notify them, especially the ones that have wait-listed you. I would be a good way to let them now that you are still very interested in their program. Good luck!

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