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Hello again everyone,

I tried to stop myself from making this post, but alas, my willpower only held me afloat for so long.

In any case, Indiana is probably my only chance at getting into a PhD program this year, though there is still some hope at a few other schools. Is anyone who is waitlisted/accepted surely not going? Or, if you do not care to divulge that information, does anyone know of anyone who has gotten off of this WL?

No pressure on anyone, of course. :) I'm just wondering my chances.

Thanks so much!

Edited by joops
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Hi joops,

I do indeed know of at least one person who was admitted and turned down the offer. They also mentioned when I visited that at least one person was almost definitely not going to accept the offer.

So there is hope!

Hello again everyone,

I tried to stop myself from making this post, but alas, my willpower only held me afloat for so long.

In any case, Indiana is probably my only chance at getting into a PhD program this year, though there is still some hope at a few other schools. Is anyone who is waitlisted/accepted surely not going? Or, if you do not care to divulge that information, does anyone know of anyone who has gotten off of this WL?

No pressure on anyone, of course. :) I'm just wondering my chances.

Thanks so much!

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Thanks for letting me know. Hope I get in. I like the program a lot!

Hi joops,

I do indeed know of at least one person who was admitted and turned down the offer. They also mentioned when I visited that at least one person was almost definitely not going to accept the offer.

So there is hope!

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I'm also anxiously waiting to hear if get in off the wait list. I'm debating emailing them a letter of continued interest but I don't want to seem too pushy!

I was told by a professor a week or two ago that e-mailing the head of the department or director of graduate studies about your wait-list status does not hurt your standing on the wait-list. Nor is it rude. Since then, I've e-mailed both the places where I was wait-listed and got helpful information about what to expect. Here's what I've written both times:

[Dear Contact Person],

I was recently informed that I have been placed on a short wait-list for the PhD program in Sociology. First, I just want to express how excited I am about this opportunity and that I sincerely hope circumstances work out towards my eventual acceptance. [Your School] is by far my top choice.

However, faced with the very real possibility that I will not be accepted, and as I must consider other offers, I was wondering if you would be able to give me a general idea of where I stand on the waiting list in light of what you expect your yield to be for this year.

I understand if you are unable to provide me with specifics regarding my status, but any further information would be helpful as I make decisions about future graduate training.

Thank you so much for your time.

I think you can e-mail them to ask general questions about your wait-list status without seeming pushy. You've got to make decisions too and they know that. My two-cents anyway.

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I was told by a professor a week or two ago that e-mailing the head of the department or director of graduate studies about your wait-list status does not hurt your standing on the wait-list. Nor is it rude. Since then, I've e-mailed both the places where I was wait-listed and got helpful information about what to expect. Here's what I've written both times:

[Dear Contact Person],

I was recently informed that I have been placed on a short wait-list for the PhD program in Sociology. First, I just want to express how excited I am about this opportunity and that I sincerely hope circumstances work out towards my eventual acceptance. [Your School] is by far my top choice.

However, faced with the very real possibility that I will not be accepted, and as I must consider other offers, I was wondering if you would be able to give me a general idea of where I stand on the waiting list in light of what you expect your yield to be for this year.

I understand if you are unable to provide me with specifics regarding my status, but any further information would be helpful as I make decisions about future graduate training.

Thank you so much for your time.

I think you can e-mail them to ask general questions about your wait-list status without seeming pushy. You've got to make decisions too and they know that. My two-cents anyway.

Hey, thanks for the advice. I'm going to hold out for a little bit then email them.

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I was told by a professor a week or two ago that e-mailing the head of the department or director of graduate studies about your wait-list status does not hurt your standing on the wait-list. Nor is it rude. Since then, I've e-mailed both the places where I was wait-listed and got helpful information about what to expect. Here's what I've written both times:

[Dear Contact Person],

I was recently informed that I have been placed on a short wait-list for the PhD program in Sociology. First, I just want to express how excited I am about this opportunity and that I sincerely hope circumstances work out towards my eventual acceptance. [Your School] is by far my top choice.

However, faced with the very real possibility that I will not be accepted, and as I must consider other offers, I was wondering if you would be able to give me a general idea of where I stand on the waiting list in light of what you expect your yield to be for this year.

I understand if you are unable to provide me with specifics regarding my status, but any further information would be helpful as I make decisions about future graduate training.

Thank you so much for your time.

I think you can e-mail them to ask general questions about your wait-list status without seeming pushy. You've got to make decisions too and they know that. My two-cents anyway.

I wouldn't tell multiple schools that they are "by far [your] top choice"...

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I wouldn't tell multiple schools that they are "by far [your] top choice"...

Ha! I agree! I included that in the post to be funny. smile.gif

Though I don't really think my wait-listed schools are going to correspond with one another and say, "What?! That mediocre applicant that we both wait-listed told YOU that you were his top choice?! That's what he said to US! What a jerk! Let's both reject him!" At least, I really hope that doesn't happen. unsure.gif

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Ha! I agree! I included that in the post to be funny. smile.gif

Though I don't really think my wait-listed schools are going to correspond with one another and say, "What?! That mediocre applicant that we both wait-listed told YOU that you were his top choice?! That's what he said to US! What a jerk! Let's both reject him!" At least, I really hope that doesn't happen. unsure.gif

Haha yeah I noticed that too but didn't say anything because I clearly am so lost in this application process.

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Ha! I agree! I included that in the post to be funny. smile.gif

Though I don't really think my wait-listed schools are going to correspond with one another and say, "What?! That mediocre applicant that we both wait-listed told YOU that you were his top choice?! That's what he said to US! What a jerk! Let's both reject him!" At least, I really hope that doesn't happen. unsure.gif

I didn't mean it so much in the context of schools communicating with each other (though I have heard of that with undergrad schools and law schools), but on the off chance you get into both schools, turning one of them down could be less than pleasant. A big thing I've taken away from turning down offers and visiting is that it's important to be candid and genuine with everyone you talk to--you never know who you'll be asking for a job down the line. Just a thought.

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I didn't mean it so much in the context of schools communicating with each other (though I have heard of that with undergrad schools and law schools), but on the off chance you get into both schools, turning one of them down could be less than pleasant. A big thing I've taken away from turning down offers and visiting is that it's important to be candid and genuine with everyone you talk to--you never know who you'll be asking for a job down the line. Just a thought.

Oh, okay. Gotcha. Again, totally agree.smile.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just got a solicited response from the DGS. 50% chance of going to the WL. Her response was so kind it made me want to go there more! Here's hoping!

50% chance of getting off the WL!?!?! That's awesome if so! And yes. Dr. McManus is extremely (like beyond extremely) nice and warm, as were most people during my visit. Good luck!

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50% chance of getting off the WL!?!?! That's awesome if so! And yes. Dr. McManus is extremely (like beyond extremely) nice and warm, as were most people during my visit. Good luck!

Thanks for always rooting for me!

Anyone here have yet to decline/accept an offer from them?

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