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Crazy Morning Thought


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So, I am anxiously waiting for results and it occured to me (this morning, pre-coffee). Maybe this web page is a great big experiment to see how otherwise normal people react to admissions stress? Perhaps there are omniscent monitors somewhere laughing at our neurosis, all the while correlating our neurotic tendencies with admission results they already know (INSERT DEMONIC LAUGHTER HERE).....

Any insane conspiracy theory you would like to share (or validate my own or others with spurious facts?)

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Yes Gmail and other major e-mail services are surely involved with this too: this has turned me into a compulsive inbox refresher. They can test how pathetic we are while making money on the ads. I've started unsubscribing myself from e-mail lists because it's frustrating to receive a (now) pointless message because this is the only thing that matters haha.

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I sympathize with you there. Yesterday I invited a bunch of students from a class that I T.A. for to email me regarding a study group. Later I palm-faced thinking about all the extra emails I would be getting that would make me think that I might have an admissions reply.

Yes Gmail and other major e-mail services are surely involved with this too: this has turned me into a compulsive inbox refresher. They can test how pathetic we are while making money on the ads. I've started unsubscribing myself from e-mail lists because it's frustrating to receive a (now) pointless message because this is the only thing that matters haha.

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I sympathize with you there. Yesterday I invited a bunch of students from a class that I T.A. for to email me regarding a study group. Later I palm-faced thinking about all the extra emails I would be getting that would make me think that I might have an admissions reply.

Haha that's great. It's exhausting!

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I had a similar crazy thought earlier this week. I was waiting for a decision from a school that promised notification in early February. On March 9th, when I still hadn't heard, I got so antsy that I posted to the forum on thegradcafe for my field asking if anyone else had heard. My rejection appeared within 2 hours.

I know it's nuts, but for a moment it felt like my admissions decision was posted as a result of my forum post...almost like they were waiting for me to crack and show signs of stress before they would put me out of my misery.

Of course, that kind of thinking is a result of the stress making me cuckoo for cocopuffs, but still, the timing was crazily coincidental.

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