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Transcripts not showing clarity about subjects


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Hello friends,

Actually it just came to my notice that in my transcripts some courses in maths are not listed with clarity. for example, it will be only listed as mathematics - 1 instead of linear algebra and graph theory. Calculus as maths -2, etc. A course in optimization techniques "Computer based optimization methods" is simply listed as CBOM(how the adcoms going to know what does it stands for!). Actually these courses are among prerequisites at the schools I have applied to. So someone please suggest me what should I do. I am still awaiting decisions from these schools

Can it affect my chances?

Someone please reply

Edited by Ujjawal
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Perhaps, you could write a professionally-looking supplement to your transcript, describing what each course actually was. I would emphasize: as professionally looking as possible: good stylistics, good design, good paper, and signed/stamped by your undergraduate institution. You could send that supplement to adcoms asap if your application is already submitted. All the best!

Edited by Bukharan
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<br><br>Perhaps, you could write a professionally-looking supplement to your transcript, describing what each course actually was. I would emphasize: as professionally looking as possible: good stylistics, good design, good paper, and signed/stamped by your undergraduate institution. <br><br>Perhaps, you could send that supplement to adcoms asap if your application is already submitted. All the best!

yes, but the problem is I have applied for Ph.D. in computer science and my applications are probably already in review. So what should I do now? Should I write a mail to them and send the link to university's web page where all the subjects are listed with detailed coursework?

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IMO your academic record is the last thing adcom is concerned about. Recommendations, SOP and research experience are the things that really do matter. So I don't thing that's a problem.

Thanks so much advolkov. I was just concerned about the prerequisites. But even I think that should not be much of a problem.

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Let's believe in your adcom's ability to dig a bit deeper in your transcript if needs be. (: No sarcasm, just honesty - I had a few courses I felt were described poorly, but the secretary told me it was negligible. Hope this helps!

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