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Admitted Journalism Schools 2011


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To begin: When I share my information, it'll look a lot like what's going on at the CUNY topic. Sorry if that bothers anyone! I just wanted to start up a topic that was labeled in a way that's accessible to people who apply to j-schools next year, as well as this year.

Accepted: CUNY (health/science), NYU (magazine), Mizzou (environmental reporting)

Waitlisted: Northwestern-Medill, but offered winter quarter admission

Denied: Columbia, Berkeley (I imagine I'll have to find some other way to express my love for Michael Pollan)

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Finishing bachelor's in 3 years)

GPA: 3.6

GRE: 510 verbal, 690 math, 4.5 writing

Double majoring in environmental studies and creative writing

College magazine: Wrote for music, food, community sections; served briefly as music section editor

Volunteered at an environmental non-profit for one summer (got a rec from them)

President of a social club, served since first year

Head coordinator for the biannual Earth Week events

No professional experiences or formal internships

Strong recommendations

Strongest essays went to NYU and CUNY; weakest essays went to Berkeley (since they had the earliest deadline)

Current thoughts: Most likely deciding between CUNY, MIzzou, and Northwestern's Winter quarter.

CUNY offered me money, has excellent facilities and has an extremely ideal location in New York. Their curriculum might be best for my low experience level and they have that paid internship program. However, they're still rather brand new and I'm not sure if that will deter employers, especially since their alumni network has just started to build.

Mizzou has a long history of teaching journalism--therefore, a more developed program. Award-winning faculty and will provide opportunity to network properly especially with the number of Mizzou J-school alumni out there. However, I would love to get out of the midwest. I have been in this region all of my life and, more than anything, I'd like to get out and experience other parts of the American landscape.

Medill is also extremely famous and shares many of the same benefits as Mizzou. However, I'm not sure what the cons are with attending during the winter instead of fall just yet--I imagine it depends on my life situation. And its location is just barely an hour away from where my family lives. I know I'll get criticized for applying to schools in a state, let alone region, that I personally find exhausting. Then again, my familiarity with Chicago might come in handy.

Sorry for all of the wordiness. Essentially, I am favoring CUNY above the others, but the program's so young, I'm not sure if that's bad from a networking point of view--or good in that journalism currently needs a fresh perspective and innovation to keep it alive.

Edited by radiofelicity
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Accepted: CUNY (arts and culture), Newhouse, Syracuse University (Goldring Arts Journalism)

Still waiting for a reply from NYU, where I applied for the Cultural Reporting and Criticism program

Undergrad: National Institute of Fashion Technology, Mumbai

Majored in: Communication design

GPA: 3.5 (around, I'm not sure as the parameters are different in India)

GRE: 660 verbal, 660 math, 3.5 writing

Internships: The Times of India, Hyderabad and Femina, Mumbai

Currently working for: The New Indian Express, Hyderabad (Sub editor/reporter)

Strong recommendations

Current thoughts: I'm leaning heavily towards CUNY -- they've got great faculty (15 Pulitzers between the professors there, not to mention a host of other awards), an ideal location and, as far as my research tells me, a really good reputation. Also I really like that they don't ask you to choose a media concentration -- I'm pretty sure I like print, but I would still like some experience in broadcast and other media. And when it comes to digital journalism, they're one of the best, and I think that is so important in the current market scenario. Also, their Entrepreneurial Journalism program sounds really interesting. They're also relatively cheaper in terms of tuition and they're giving a little bit of funding.

The Goldring Arts Journalism program at Syracuse also sounds very appealing -- for one thing it would more intensely about the arts -- but I'm not sure if that is necessarily a good thing. Also, it isn't based in NYC, which to me is really important. Syracuse is also much more expensive when it come to tuition. They haven't gotten back to me with regards to funding, which is why I haven't decided about where I'm going yet. Also, I'm still waiting for a response from the CRC department at NYU.

But, like I said, leaning towards CUNY.

And radiofelicity, if you do decide to go to CUNY, drop me a line. I won't be able to go for Open House (international student -- would be too expensive), and I'd like to get to know a few others who're also headed to CUNY before I actually get there!

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In keeping with the format of the forum:

Accepted: University of Southern California, University of Maryland

Waitlisted (but offered Summer admission): Northwestern University

Undergrad: UC Irvine (Orange County, CA)

GPA: 3.411

GRE: 1260 (600 Verbal, 660 Math, 4.5 Writing)

I have absolutely no experience whatsoever in Journalism. I was an International Studies Major at UCI, and I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life until very recently. I'm looking to get into Sports Broadcast Journalism and from what I hear, two of the best places to do that are USC and Syracuse. I had no interest in applying to Syracuse though. I live in Charlotte, North Carolina right now and I'm dying to upgrade to a larger city. I'm over the South. Being from Southern California originally, USC is really, really tempting. I have some friends who went there and have already gotten gigs on local television stations across the country. However, I feel the pain of the original poster. I've already done SoCal. I grew up there, went to high school there, went to college there, do I really need to go back?

I was initially disappointed with being waitlisted at Medill but being offered early admission for this Summer (June 20, 3 months from now) might just be a blessing in disguise. Unless you go to NYU or Columbia you really can't match the prestige of Northwestern, am I right? So many ESPN analysts went there, including Mike Wilbon, J.A. Adande, and Kevin Blackistone, just to name a few. Blackistone actually teaches at Maryland now though. I do love D.C., but at the end of the Medill program you can go intern in D.C. if you want (and I think I want). I hear Medill is more Print Journalism and less Broadcast but honestly I don't think it matters. You go to any of those schools you will get a well-rounded education. It just so happens that I love Chicago and Evanston. I've only been there twice, but it was fantastic both times.

So I think I've pretty much decided on heading to Northwestern in June. I'm going to visit Maryland next week, but barring some unexpected turn of events I'll be accepting that early admission. I believe there is an orientation for kids starting in June next month some time, April 14-15 I believe? I'll be there and looking for apartments/roommates. It's a tough call picking between all these schools. Both of you got into great universities. The programs are all relatively short, so why not get out of your regions and experience something new, right? Although, coming from India, anywhere you go will be exotic.

Good luck =)

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  • 1 year later...

Accepted: Columbia University (newspaper specialisation)

Waitlisted: Nowhere (Didn't apply anywhere)

Undergrad: India

GPA: Don't know what it would be in the Indian context

I only applied to Columbia because it was the only J-school to figure in the Ivy League. Have 5 years of experience in print journalism. Am pretty much set on it but the cost is a big hindrance. Am waiting for my scholarship decisions and then will have to see. Ivy Leagues come with an 'Ivy League' price tag, i guess. But most of the people i have talked to advice me to go for it but it is worth it. But not sure if getting a debt of $75,000 is worth it in the end...

Imagine spending the rest of your life repaying the loan. Does anyone here know anyone who has been to Columbia? Would like to know how it is, what to expect, job prospects.

All the best to all of you

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  • 1 month later...

Hello newtoallthis,

I plan to apply to the Columbia J-School in the Fall. After looking at the website, I still feel I don't know enough to prepare a competitive application. Can you offer any tips?

Also, even though the website says no GRE score is required do you think getting one would make my application more competitive?

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