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MA programs - Villanova University and Temple University

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Hi Everyone,

My hopes for entering a PhD program this coming fall are hanging by a thread. My best option at this point is to do a terminal MA program and then apply next year for a PhD program starting in Fall 2013. I am consdiering Villanova and Temple. I am weghing pros and cons for both programs, but I would really appreciate any information from someone who has experience or knowledge of either of these programs. My main concern is placement. I know there are no guarantees in life, but I really do not want to be facing PhD rejections (or unfunded offers) this time in 2013.

Some of my background (I'm a non-traditional candidate):

Subfield: IR (focus on IPE, global governance, global inequality/poverty, global justice)

Undergrad: business major, Top 20 university, 3.0

Maters: Liberal Arts, Top 5 university, 3.9

GREs: 1370

Work Experience: 7+ year in financial analysis/ higher edu admin; small stint in socio-econ research

Please let me know if you can help!


Polly SIgh

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