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Query regarding Upenn


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Hello All,

I got an admit from Upenn for Masters in Computer Science.

Also expecting a favourable reponse from Gatech.

My field of interest is Information Security.

In a dilemma right now as to which one to choose.

Also need to pay a deposit and confirm my admission at Upenn before April 15th.

Suggestions anyone? :)

Edited by zouk
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Hello All,

I got an admit from Upenn for Masters in Computer Science.

Also expecting a favourable reponse from Gatech.

My field of interest is Information Security.

In a dilemma right now as to which one to choose.

Also need to pay a deposit and confirm my admission at Upenn before April 15th.

Suggestions anyone? :)

Georgia Tech is ranked higher, but UPenn possibly would come with more networking possibilities? I don't know. Both are in excellent urban locations for job opportunities (Atlanta and Philadelphia, respectively). I don't know if you've been to UPenn but I hear the surrounding city of the campus is pretty dangerous. However, I don't know how valid this is, nor do I see it being important enough of a factor to decline the school immediately.

I guess you need to decide between going to #10 Georgia Tech or #17 UPenn (which apparently is tied with Harvard, Columbia, and Brown). I don't think you could go wrong with either choice. I don't think the rankings are that big enough of a difference, and I'd probably choose UPenn just for the extra perks of potentially increased networking with other "Ivy Leaguer" employment managers. However, the whole added networking for Ivy League is skeptical in nature to me as I feel that people network with others who went to the same school, Ivy League or not. I recently, yesterday actually, just turned down a fully funded PhD at an excellent state school in favor of a fully funded MS at an Ivy League. I have to admit, I had more of a click with my POI at Cornell than I did with my then POI at Penn State. So, maybe that is something to pay attention to as well.

In a field like Computer Science I won't even ask how much the difference in cost is between the two schools. A career in computer science will give you a great return on your money to payback any extra debt you may incur for one over the other.

Good luck!

Edited by oboeking4314
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