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UCSB vs Virginia Tech (Masters in Statistics)


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So I got accepted at these two programs and I change my mind between them at least once a day! I'm also waiting on LSU but I am betting it's a rejection.

I'm trying to figure out how to best describe the differences so I think I'll list the key pros and cons for both.

Also keep in mind that I am NOT getting funding from either so there is no "go where you got the most funding" option available. Also, I don't have any money for visiting right now, so I'm trying to decide without visiting.

Some background on me: finishing a BS in Stats from UW Madison this semester, sub 3.0 GPA, seeking a more applied program in order to get into and industry, NOT planning on going on to a PhD.

Virginia Tech


  • Higher ranked than UCSB (but not tons higher)
  • Much cheaper, both in tuition and in cost of living
  • Seems to really emphasize internships after the first year
    • Potentially too difficult? They made my apply-to list because my advisor said they focus more on applied stats, which is important for me. My problem is that I am bad at Calculus; I got a BC or C in each of the three semesters I had to take. I actually got an email from the director of graduate studies that, even though I am accepted, "If you are not comfortable with advanced calculus, perhaps you should consider another program." So that's terrifying since I really am bad at calculus. On the flip side, I consider myself to be intelligent, and I have done great in all stats classes including the ones that used calculus. So...I don't know! There's no way to know if it'll be too hard until I start, and I'm so scared that I'll hit the wall with the calc and then have to drop out.
    • Seems to be in a sort of podunk-y area
      • They have a division within their Masters program--regular stats and applied. So here, I'd specifically study applied stats and all the course descriptions have happy phrases in them like "focuses on application rather than theory."
      • The climate, the beach...actually, one of the reasons I didn't visit is because I know if I did I'd become emotionally attached to the location and have trouble being objective


    [*]So expensive! I'll be paying for everything with loans so this is a big deal[*]Easier program may not impress potential employers as much

    So...what do you guys think? To me it seems very complicated but most people in my life have been saying to go to Virginia Tech because "you'll be fine, you got through calculus okay so far, etc. etc" but they don't really know, and I BARELY got through calc and just...well, you get it.

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Based on rankings alone it seems that both programs are very similar. Have you looked at the coursework you'd be doing at each school and does one appeal to you more? Also, I'm a prospective student at UCSB as well and it is VERY expensive to live around there. I would honestly say choose Virginia Tech if money is tough to come by. But if whatever reason you decide UCSB, I don't think a 7 point difference in ranking will make employers think any less of you (again this is based on ranking alone as I haven't looked further into either program).

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