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I am interested in bioinformatics(biomedical direction).

I have two offers, university of colorado denver biomedical sciences(with chance to major in Computational Bioscience), and north carolina state university functional genomics (with many statistics courses).

The first one is closely related to biomedicine, while the second is more close to agriculture. However, the director of ncsu told me they have cooperation with many drug companies, and strong in the field the I am interested.

I really need some advices! Many thanks!

I am waiting online for kind advices.

Thanks again.

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I think you may need to include more information in your post. From what you have stated, I am not sure why you are considering NCSU - it does not seem to be as related to the field you want to study. If you really are interested in NCSU for some reason you did not state, then I would suggest doing some follow up research re: how strong NCSU really is in your field. I would not go on the word of the director alone, especially if he did not give any specifics.

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Many thanks for your advice. I agree that ncsu seems not match with my interest. And I should not just listen to the director. However, CUDenver Medical Campus seems to be more strong in wet labs. While NCSU seems to have advantages in statistics. While the director of ncsu said that they have a close cooperation with unc and duke. It is quite common for the students to have faculty from duke and unc to be on their advisory committee.

I think you may need to include more information in your post. From what you have stated, I am not sure why you are considering NCSU - it does not seem to be as related to the field you want to study. If you really are interested in NCSU for some reason you did not state, then I would suggest doing some follow up research re: how strong NCSU really is in your field. I would not go on the word of the director alone, especially if he did not give any specifics.

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While I do not have personal experience with CU-Denver, I have been attending the University of Denver (small private school close to CU-Denver and downtown), and all I can say is that Denver is a GREAT city to be a student or young professional. The city has everything you could want but isn't ridiculously huge like NYC/LA/Etc so you can actually get around with ease. CU-Denver is well-respected here, and I'm sure that at least socially you would enjoy the experience here.

Hope this helps!

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