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Cambridge Part III, Courant Master and Oxford Ms Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science


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Well, I was wondering if there is someone who could share his opinion comparing these three masters. Im considering them all and Im not very sure about what to do.

Cambridge is a world-class place for maths (top3?), and for sure its master is really hard and demanding. As well, there are too many courses offered and a wide range of areas are covered.

NYU is another amazing place to learn maths but what I have read at the web about the master, looks... easy? basic linear algebra? diagonalization? I dont understand whats the role of this master. It is worth it? Its really expensive!

Finally, Oxford. I would appreciate a word about its mathematical reputation, cause I have no idea. Anyway, the master looks really wonderful, and the intake is pretty small (12 - 14 students per year).

Thanks in advance!

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what do you want to study, choosing by reputation for a MS is not smart since they are cash cows. part III for cambridge really only looks good for their undergrads and is mostly preparation for the damtp. Unless there's something very specific at cambridge you want to work on I wouldn't do it. If costs are same, NYU is a no brainer assuming you're from the US.

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