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Asking about funding after decision day


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So I accepted an unfunded offer last week from a school with an April 20th deadline (today). It was tough to swallow, but the school is right for my interests and long-term goals, has good connections with NGOs in my field, and I have a good rapport with the professors.

But I have been told by at least one other person on this site that he/she has turned down a funded offer to the same school. This obviously happens at grad schools around the country, and it seems impossible to know whether the schools give out all their funding and have extra when offers are turned down, or whether they overcommit knowing some offers will be rejected. I want to go back to financial aid/admissions to just see if they may be willing to give me some funding (any pittance would be appreciated), but am not sure how to go about this.

Does anyone have any experience or advice with this? Does the email below seem alright? Revisions/suggestions are certainly welcome.

Dear [Name],

I recently accepted the offer of admission for the Global Environmental Policy program at Your University Name Here.. Since today is the deadline for candidates to make their decisions, I wanted to follow up with you about potential funding streams. I know that less than 10% of accepted candidates receive funding from SIS, and I unfortunately did not fall into this group. However, knowing that it is likely some students who have received funded offers may choose to attend other schools instead, I was wondering if there was any possibility that the University may have any additional funding sources that have come available. If so, will you be making this funding available to any students that have accepted offers, whether funded or not? While I was very pleased to have accepted the offer, even unfunded, any financial support that you may be able to provide would be greatly appreciated, whether a grant, stipend, or assistantship position within the school.

If there is a procedure in place for this, please let me know what it is and how I can follow through it with it. I look forward to hearing back from you, and to beginning at Your Univerisity this fall.


My Name

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