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Help with my final decision - looking for any advice on MPA program


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So I'm quickly approaching the deadline for my school decision, and still not sure what I should do. I think my situation might be a bit different from others in the forum, but would really really appreciate any advice...everyone here seems to have done their homework about MIA/MPA programs and I would love to hear what you think.

So I only applied to 2 MPA programs - SIPA and LSE - and got into both (to my surprise). Now I am facing the decision of whether to leave my job and attend one of these programs, or not.

I have an undergraduate business degree (major in economics) and have been working for a private hedge fund for almost 2 years (basically since my graduation). I really really love the job, but I have always wanted to get more education, and feel that it would be best to get a masters now while I am still young and have some flexibility in terms of my life plans.

I am very interested in financial policy (Fed, ratings agencies, etc.) and so SIPA was a natural choice for me in this regard. I really like some of the course offerings in the "International Finance and Economic Policy" concentration, and seems to be a good medium between an IR degree and an MBA degree. I did not want to do an MBA, as I already have an undergraduate business degree. Also, SIPA seems to have great relations with the Fed, and more of a private sector focus in general than the other MPA programs, so I think SIPA is my first choice over LSE.

I have already discussed going back to school with my current employers, and they have strongly encouraged me to pursue it - they agree now is the time to do my masters. They also have assured me that my job will be waiting for me upon graduation, if I want it.

I guess now I am facing the question: is it worth it to leave a job that I do enjoy, go back to school for two years, and go into a sizable amount of debt (I did not receive any funding from SIPA).

On the one hand, I think it would be a great life experience, having Columbia on my resume can never hurt, and I have a guaranteed job upon graduation anyways. So the major risk is the money I will have spent on the degree and the years of work experience foregone.

Conversely, it is pretty scary to leave a job and take out a lot of student loans...I guess that is my main hesitancy.

Anyways, I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on this!

Thanks :)

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