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Thoughts on my funding scenario...


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Hey everyone,

I am a bit confused about the funding I have received from a school and would like to know your thoughts. So the offer letter states that I will receive a minimum of 2 Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GAs) over the course of my Master's program, with each GA amounting to X dollars. X is roughly equivalent to my tuition for one term. So say I only get 2 GAs, then it covers only the tuition for two terms out of four in my program. The program does have Co-op opportunities so I was thinking I could cover for the rest with my Co-op program. There is always the possibility that I might get more GAs but I'm considering the minimum scenario for now. Of course Co-op does not guarantee a job, but that would be up to me.

What do you guys think about the situation I'm in? I mean I know it's not going to be easy but I feel it's manageable. I am working now and if I work a bit into summer, I could save enough to work with as I manage the GA and the Co-op.

Do you think I can ask for a bigger financial package, and ask if I am eligible for any scholarships? Will it not be seen favorably by the department that I am asking for more?

I really need some suggestions to help me sort through this.


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Perhaps you can ask current students or your department how easy it is to get GAs once you get there. If I were you, I would consider the worse case scenario ( as you're doing) and decide if I can make it work or not. I don't think they'll look at you unfavorably if you asked about other funding opportunities. Good luck!

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