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Needing advice on pre-app visits, please!


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I plan on applying to immunology phD programs this year to begin in 2012. And... I have no idea where to start when it comes to "networking" :blink: . I will be a first-generation college grad and not many students from my undergrad school take the phD route, so my avenues for advice are extremely limited.

Here's my situation: One of my top 3 choices of schools is quite far away, and in a month, I'll be in that city for a week. Would it be a wise choice to set up a pre-app visit with this school? This particular program does lab rotations, so I'm not sure if i would be crossing the line by emailing individual professors and asking for meetings. Should I email a program secretary and ask for a general tour and then also email professors, or not email professors at all? And if I do email professors, would it be a bit presumptuous to ask to meet ONLY in a two day window (not my choice, but all my schedule will allow this summer) ?

If I do meet with professors, what topics of conversation should I expect? I've browsed the message boards, and from what I can see, the general consensus is "research." I have no problem talking about my POI's research, but I'm extremely worried about my own research background. I've been working in the same research lab for 3 years but have never managed my own project. Unfortunately, my current lab job is simply do-as-told routine DNA extractions, PCR, gels, etc, in a situation where I'm not totally aware of the end result. The genomic DNA that I extract, for example, may be sent to another professor 3 states away to do as he wishes with it. Is this going to be practically the same as having NO research experience? I definitely don't have any research to "talk" about, nor do I have any publications.

ANY advice would be greatly appreciated. I'm in complete stress-out mode right now because I just recently became aware of the true workings of the world of academia. If only I would have found this message board 3 years ago!

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I don't have all the answers. A couple things: definitely visit! That's a no-brainer. As far as contacting professors, I can't comment because I don't yet know enough about what is/isn't appropriate. Others can help you there. I don't think you should worry a great deal about having to discuss your research background... I'm thinking the professors would be happy to entertain your (insightful and not obvious) questions about their own research, which you could, in return, connect to your research interests, even if you don't feel your research experience is relevant.

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Thank you for the response. I agree that I should visit, but I feel like I could handle this two ways, and I'm not sure which one to choose:

1. contact 3-4 professors separately and tell them that I am interested in their research (and ask if they would meet with me)


2. contact the director of that department and ask for a visit/tour, and then ask that director if it would be possible for me to meet with a few professors

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  • 3 months later...

I've not set up visits yet, but from my years of corporate experience, I believe that you ALWAYS want to get to know the admin/secretary/program coordinator.

While this person almost certainly doesn't have any input into your application, he or she can be invaluable in making your visit (and hopefully your time in the program) easier, can steer you towards resources you weren't aware of (e.g. pre-symposium brown bag lunch with grad students and invited speakers), etc.

All in all, this is always a great person to have on your side, no matter WHAT the industry!

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Yes, I've already made my pre-app visits since creating this post

...which i would have figured out if I had looked at the date of your post. DOH! Thanks for being gentle about my oversight :huh:

Nice score with free lunch!

Edited by Business2Biology
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