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Alright, I admit it. I called again today. It seems they should be up by Friday, and the reason for the delay is budget issues. I was told that even though the stimulus package is there, it is not guaranteed money yet, so they might have to give out awards in installments and not all the money at once.

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So, there's a man crawling through the desert.

He'd decided to try his SUV in a little bit of cross-country travel, had

great fun zooming over the badlands and through the sand, got lost, hit a

big rock, and then he couldn't get it started again. There were no cell

phone towers anywhere near, so his cell phone was useless. He had no family,

his parents had died a few years before in an auto accident, and his few

friends had no idea he was out here................................THE END

I guess I should have said 300pages until the release, if people are going to start adding novels to this thread :lol:

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If everyone in the thread reads it, that's like 50 man-hours diverted from NSF worrying!

And that's a mistake about awarding the awards in installments, that is a worst-case scenario I had not accounted for...limbo for weeks or months??

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Last year I got my HM letter on Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 9:36 AM.

Anyone know at what time they got their email for 2007 or 2006?

Oh.. by the way, the rating sheets are down again.

I got mine at 9:57 last year. HM also.

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Thy games art in deague with the devil, me thinks. Be thee man or demon? Speak, childe of the beast, for mine anger and fury at thee and this new foolishness, folly, and devilry of thine doth beg for an apocalypse. If thou dosn't repent, thou shalt suffer ten plagues of proportions which thou hadst best feare!

Good Friar Tuck, I assure you I am no child of the beast! Forsooth, I am a great admirer of your noble comrade Robin of Loxley. I only suggested this idle game of chance as a means to help pass away the time for the poor suffering masses wandering about this forum. I repent for my tomfoolery and seek refuge from the blows of thy fearsome quarterstaff!

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I feel like they get to work at 9 and press the send button; they then brace for the 1000's of calls.

I bet a good amount of people that win call to ask about particulars.

I also bet a decent amount of people call to complain about not winning, an unfair judge, etc.

I think they want the whole day to deal with it.

So barring any type of glitches, I think the notification will come between 9 and 10 am.

Friday wouldn't be bad (as bad news is best delivered at the end of the week) :P

At least according to office space.

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I feel like they get to work at 9 and press the send button; they then brace for the 1000's of calls.

I bet a good amount of people that win call to ask about particulars.

I also bet a decent amount of people call to complain about not winning, an unfair judge, etc.

I think they want the whole day to deal with it.

So barring any type of glitches, I think the notification will come between 9 and 10 am.

Friday wouldn't be bad (as bad news is best delivered at the end of the week) :P

At least according to office space.

Alternatively they may wait until the end of the day right before they close. You would loose some of the rash callers that would decide after some time to think that it is pointless to call.

Last year people were calling immediately after it was posted about getting access to the rating sheets, and an evening release would allow them to get the sheets up before all the calls started.

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I am just going off of last year's information for when they sent the emails.

I don't think they would want to drop the letters at night, they definitely want the tech support to be there for the mass logins etc.

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Isn't this Friday Good Friday? If Fastlane is considered a government office then they would be closed for the holiday. But I'm not sure they are a government office.

I have worked for the federal government (not NSF), and good Friday was never considered a federal holiday. I dont believe that there were any federal holidays between feb and May. I think we are fine.

If someone is calling today, you should ask them (but dont call to ask just this).

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From the conversation I had earlier with the NSF person, it seems like Friday is a long shot. She also said that for people who might be missing deadlines now because of this, they should go ahead and make the best decision they can now and then go back and change things later if they win the award. Not too helpful, but what else can they say?

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From the conversation I had earlier with the NSF person, it seems like Friday is a long shot. She also said that for people who might be missing deadlines now because of this, they should go ahead and make the best decision they can now and then go back and change things later if they win the award. Not too helpful, but what else can they say?

so, then, should we say the countdown is to april 15? (also the countdown to me finishing my taxes ;))

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Oh, and she confirmed that there will be more awards this year - not sure how many though. But you would think it would be a good number more than previous years if it is such a mess to do it.

Just wanted to say thanks for calling. I think I speak for myself and probably some of the guests (hey lurkers) that we appreciate people posting their calls. One person posting a call on this board probably prevents 20 or more others from calling.

I've pretty much given up banking on this week, though I bet previously that the results were coming out 8 AM Friday.

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I don't know if this will make anyone feel better, but I just talked to a director at the NSF who told me that nothing about the budget has been finalized. Furthermore, all grants and awards that were to be anounced after January 1st 2009 have not been, because of the budget/stimulus mess. He says that any minute he expects to get finalized results and have masses of work to do in a very short timeframe. He suspects that the details concerning the budget will be hammered out anytime now, and he doesn't think it'll be more than a few more days. He said the entire NSF is in limbo, but that it does not mean anything bad is happening. It's purely bureaucratic issues between "the hill" and the NSF. He said basically all awards and grants should be "enhanced" this year, but he doesn't know by exactly how much until he gets word from "the hill". Anyway, I think we can be confident that there will be more awards and that we will know soon, as this came from someone high up in the NSF itself.

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I don't know if this will make anyone feel better, but I just talked to a director at the NSF who told me that nothing about the budget has been finalized. Furthermore, all grants and awards that were to be anounced after January 1st 2009 have not been, because of the budget/stimulus mess. He says that any minute he expects to get finalized results and have masses of work to do in a very short timeframe. He suspects that the details concerning the budget will be hammered out anytime now, and he doesn't think it'll be more than a few more days. He said the entire NSF is in limbo, but that it does not mean anything bad is happening. It's purely bureaucratic issues between "the hill" and the NSF. He said basically all awards and grants should be "enhanced" this year, but he doesn't know by exactly how much until he gets word from "the hill". Anyway, I think we can be confident that there will be more awards and that we will know soon, as this came from someone high up in the NSF itself.

Okay, I'm going to be the first (or try to be) to ask how you were able to talk to the director of NSF?

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Get stuffed? Was it a rejection or notification that you aren't eligible?

Nay, in truth it wert something of a different and sinister nature. Thy foolish discordant words doth anger many, and thou wouldst be wise to keep thyself silent, lest evil befall thee. 'Tis most likely that this doth be an invitation to feast on the food stolen of the good townsfolk by Prince John and his lackeys the Sheriff of Nottingham and Sir Guy of Gisbourne. Only a knave with the wycked stature of Neurone wouldst accept so evyl an invitation. Fie upon thee, o wycked one! Thou art most evyl among all men, and shalt burn for eternity in hell!

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Okay, I'm going to be the first (or try to be) to ask how you were able to talk to the director of NSF?

Not THE director (like top guy) but one under him, who deals with one field (btw, not mine). And how I know him is irrelevant. But now everyone should stop speculating because that's what's going on there. And it's not just us waiting. It's everyone. People waiting to hear about young investigator awards, profs who want their projects funded, etc etc.

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