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Here's the latest:

Thank you for your interest in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

We regret that we still do not have any information about when applicants can expect to hear, other than saying that it is very unlikely that it will be anytime in the next few days.

At this time, NSF is in the process of finalizing additional awardees. This is time consuming and more complex than one might think: different divisions and directorates may be able to offer different amounts of ARRA funding, and may have different criteria for distributing any additional GRFP awards they are able to make. The decisions are in the process of being made, but not all at once, and there is no real timeframe for all the decisions to be finalized. Until the decision process has been completed, we regret that we cannot offer a realistic estimate of when we will be able to send out notifications.

We do know that many applicants are anxiously awaiting these notifications, and wish we could provide more concrete information. In the interests of letting applicants know as soon as we have any information re: a timeframe, we will update http://www.nsfgrfp.org when we receive news that the final decisions have been made; at that time, we should be able to provide a realistic estimate of how much longer the wait will be. When we receive word that decisions have been made, updating our site to let applicants know an approximate timeframe will be our priority; we will not keep the information to ourselves. If you continue to see the same message on http://www.nsfgrfp.org that is currently posted, it means

that we really do not have any new information.

The only other information that we have that may be of interest involves the total number of awards. Regarding the final number of awards, again, we don't have a set-in-stone number at this time. However, all the information we have so far suggests that the final total (including the current 950 awardees) will be within the 900 to 1,600 range specified in the program solicitation. We do not expect it to be at the higher end of that range, but there will definitely be some additional awards.

If you have any further questions, please contact this office toll-free at (866) 673-4737, via postal mail at the address below, or via email at info@nsfgrfp.org


GRF Operations Center

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Ok need to vent too. My dad just got laid off a few months ago and he's older so no one is really going to want to hire him. They don't really have anything in their retirement since they put me and all my siblings through college. My siblings are only able to help somewhat since they are all just starting their careers too. I'm on a TA stipend next year but it's really barely enough for me to survive on (I'm out of state from where my parents live). The more time that passes that I don't hear from NSF, the more desperate I am to get it. It's really my only opportunity to be able to help my parents out in this rough time.

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Great info Laura - thanks for sharing. Does anybody know what "divisions" and "directorates" are? Or, Laura, how do you feel about writing back and asking them?

I think directorates would be the part of the organization under different directors, as in: "Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS), Scientific, Technological, and International Affairs (STIA), Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), Geosciences (GEO), Engineering (ENG), Biological, Behavioral, and Social Sciences (BBS), Science and Engineering Education (SEE), and Administration."

"Divisions" seems fairly self-explanatory (google NSF division)

So I believe they just mean that the GRFP is not the only recipient of ARRA funding and other NSF departments will receive some as well, so this all needs to be sorted out still before they get around to letting us know.

I think the big piece for me is that they don't expect to offer many more awards. 900-1600 tops including the 950 already out. And unlikely to be near the 1600 end, so let's say 1200-1300, which means only 250-350 more awards. There's 2000 of us in limbo. These are not awful, but not great, odds. So take from that what hope you will, but I kind of doubt that EEBiology is a top priority, so I'm thinking I should be happy with an HM and apply again next year.

In any event, if any of you do get an award, congrats and be sure to tell us. (and your field)

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May the gods be praised! I'm sitting at my desk, and, all of a sudden, look what arrived! The wait is finally over! Hit "Send/Receive" and join the party!

National Science Foundation

Division of Graduate Education

4201 Wilson Boulevard

Arlington, Virginia 22230

May 1, 2009

Application Number 10000xxxxx:

Dear: xxxxxxxxxx,

Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that you have been

selected to receive a 2009 National Science Foundation (NSF)

Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) award. This award is based on

your abilities and accomplishments as well as your potential to

contribute to strengthening the vitality of the U.S. science and

engineering enterprise.

The stipend rate for 2009-10 is $30,000 per twelve-month

fellowship year, prorated at $2,500 per month. Fellowships are

funded for a maximum of three years and may be used in any three

12-month units starting in Summer (June 1) or Fall (Sept 1) over

a five-year period that begins in 2009 (your award year).

To facilitate your acceptance and begin the processing of the

fellowship award, please follow the instructions below.

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yea me too!, check the results section, it seems to be flowing in.

Do you mean you got a GRFP? If so, congrats! I thought waitwaitwait was BS'ing. I don't see anything new on Fastlane. What is the "results section"?

Thanks, and best of luck to all.

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wow, you just ruined my night. I fucking hate this forum. adios people, you're shitholes.

I know what you mean. I figured waitwaitwait was just another reincarnation of just.for.the.grfp. Douche.

This time I guess he was just barely intelligent enough to actually learn to change the date in the e-mail he copy and pasted from someone else's legitimate acceptance. Good work asshole. I hope you're proud.

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Hahaha peeps, no need to be so sore 'bout it. I mean, I didn't call yuou gay like that other guy did...

Be serious, you are that other guy. I didn't even get excited when I saw the post, because I knew it was fake. Nice try, no go play in someone else's sandbox.

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Well since May 1st came and went, my new estimate is: June 1st, 100 awards or less.

I really don't think that this long wait indicates a boatload of awards, it's just indicative of the red tape and the money being tangled up in bureaucracy. Actually, the longer it takes, the less convinced I become that they will give any new awards at all. I'm thinking any of us poor saps in limbo should just work under the assumption that we aren't getting any $, and pursue jobs/TAs/PAs/labs from there. It's easier to give back a TA-ship than beg for one in July...

See you in June...

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Well since May 1st came and went, my new estimate is: June 1st, 100 awards or less.

I really don't think that this long wait indicates a boatload of awards, it's just indicative of the red tape and the money being tangled up in bureaucracy. Actually, the longer it takes, the less convinced I become that they will give any new awards at all. I'm thinking any of us poor saps in limbo should just work under the assumption that we aren't getting any $, and pursue jobs/TAs/PAs/labs from there. It's easier to give back a TA-ship than beg for one in July...

See you in June...

While I am thrilled to be on the whatever list, I never counted on getting an award. I figured when I submitted the application that it was a long shot, and so I've applied for other funding opps, including a TA line (which I have this year, but it's renewable annually). The bad part is that there are over a hundred grads in our department, and only 18 lines. We've always known to seek monies and opportunities outside, and since the economy is so tight right now, it's going to be a challenge. I think you might be right, that the number of additional awards, if any, is going to be smaller than our hopes for them. There are 2,000 of us in limbo ... Don't get me wrong, I am going to shout it from the hilltops if I get an award, but I'm not counting on it.

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I wrote to NSF about any updates and this was the reply...

Thank you for your interest in the National Science Foundation (NSF)

Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

While we cannot give a specific number of applicants who have not been

notified, we can say that in recent years there have been between around

1400-1800 honorable mentions, and the pool of applicants yet to be notified

(i.e., this year's current honorable mention pool who may also be considered for

additional awards) is a little higher than that.

We will not be sending regular e-mail updates to applicants whose status is

still pending. We will, however, update the main page at www.nsfgrfp.org once we

have a realistic timeframe for notifications. As of now, however, we are still

waiting for NSF to decide the final number of additional awards and how the

awardees will be selected. Because the decision process involves multiple

divisions and directorates at NSF, it is complicated and time-consuming.

The 2009 GRFP program solicitation indicated that between 900-1600 awards

will be given out. At this time, we are inclined to suspect that the final

number will still be within that range. However, as no final decisions have been

made, that is only our best guess right now.

At this time, we don't expect to be able to send any notifications out

within the next few days, as up to the time of writing this response we have

received no indication of a final decision from NSF being imminent. We will, of

course, notify applicants as soon as we can once the decision has been made.

If you have any further questions, please contact this office toll-free at

(866) 673-4737, via postal mail at the address below, or via email at



GRF Operations Center

1818 N Street NW

Suite T-50

Washington, DC 20036-2479




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Blah blah blah blah. No one cares.

If you don't care, get out of this forum. Obviously you're just here to try to ruffle people's feathers. Frankly, if you get off to making people hate you, I feel quite sorry for you. You obviously have quite a depressing life.

The purpose of this forum is to allow people to communicate about this fellowship. If you don't like it, get out.

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Important update: The "We have no idea when you'll hear anything" notice is now in a neatly organized box.

And in an ugly little padded table, too. One of us needs to volunteer to redesign their site. :D

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From the NSF Twitter:

Event: NSF FY 2010 Budget Rollout - Thursday May 7, 1500EST [website released then]

Don't think that helps us, since it is 2010, but maybe someone knows something about federal budgets that I don't.

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I know something about crazy, and so it's not unlikely that they've established next years budget before this years. I am just now getting around to emailing them about my status, I'll let you guys know if they tell me anything useful, though I kind of just asked a yes/no question.

I hope someone is pushing for an increase in the pool of awardees and the battling is why this is taking so long. There must be some degree of disagreement at various stages, otherwise I think they'd just push it through. Not only do we have no idea, but I think different levels may have different ideas about how important it is to increase the awardee pool THIS year, and not just for next. Hence why no one has any idea about anything. Go team LotsAwards! Fight fight fight!

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Someone /priv me if you have something concrete to report. I've gotten a few generic "off topic" reports, with no attached explanation. From my scan of the thread, it looks like everything is on topic. If trolls are posting fake results, let me know. If the results could potentially be real, keep your panties on.

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If additional awards are coming from ARRA money, that's going to be weird. Maybe they're trying to find a way around this being from the ARRA money? Does anyone know if it has to come from there or no? Cause it wouldn't really create jobs for others... just us. Some of the stipulations on that money seem like they don't fit the grfp goals, so I'm confused.

Maybe they're confused too.

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