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Assuming results go out tonight, I refuse to check my email until I scope out the situation on this forum first. It will help prepare me for what is to come...

P.S. In April, the site did not go down until about an hour into the time frame.

  hatingthewaiting said:
I have just returned from the store with a $10.99 1.5L bottle of wine. Come on NSF, do your worst!

Guinness #1.

  gb6 said:
stockholm syndrome to the extreme...i don't want to know!!!!

I feel the exact same way. Suddenly I'm nauseated about finding out... I've been obsessing so much about when the results would be released that now I don't want to know what the actual results are... just that they have been released! Gah!

  BioMedSciMed said:
ah-ha, ok.

.... wow... it's completely ridiculous how many people are on here now!

Yeah, it is. Come on guys, register! Or log in, unclelurker, neuronerd, neurone, Psi_light...

we're all getting crrrruuuunk

and singing sooooongs

it's like Otherland! Hangin' out in the Net.


Every limbo boy and girl

All around the limbo world

Gonna do the limbo rock

All around the limbo clock

Jack be limbo, Jack be quick

Jack go under limbo stick

All around the limbo clock

Hey, let's do the limbo rock


Due to a temporary error the request could not be serviced.

The problem could be because:

* The server is busy.

* The server is temporarily unavailable.


  kdilks said:
Due to a temporary error the request could not be serviced.

The problem could be because:

* The server is busy.

* The server is temporarily unavailable.


Just refreshed, fastlane is still loading for me?


I'm so ready to party when the site goes down, though. I've got this beer I've been saving for like a month - it's my favorite, Black Butte Porter from Deschutes Brewery. You should all try it, it's delicious. Anyway, I'm going to pop it open and savor it whether I win or not - just to celebrate the waiting being over!


ugh i really need to sleep--busy day tomorrow. Maybe I'll wake up in the middle of the night. Hopefully it won't be another disappointment :(

good luck everyone!

  Higgins_the_Brave said:
I'm so ready to party when the site goes down, though. I've got this beer I've been saving for like a month - it's my favorite, Black Butte Porter from Deschutes Brewery. You should all try it, it's delicious. Anyway, I'm going to pop it open and savor it whether I win or not - just to celebrate the waiting being over!

deschutes is good. cheers to all, in whatever timezone, and whatever beverage.

i doubt i have ever been so watchful of planned outages before, short of brownouts.

  BioMedSciMed said:
woah- my page looks really odd and the only page I can't access at the moment is the list of awardees....

Yeah, that sort of happened to me as well. Normally it happens if some of the page source is "sent" but not all of it because it times out--i.e. the site is going in and out I suppose.

  Higgins_the_Brave said:
hey, if you joined the facebook group, go the the discussion board and post your username (if you're comfortable doing so). It'd be cool to find out who we all really are.

Just did. People who haven't joined-you should join! I hope this is really it this time. I don't think I can take much more of this.

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