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From the director in a message to me:

"We are very close to the release so I don't want to go on too far given the situation. Hang tight as we are very near announcement."

Good luck guys. Should be any day now.

Blah2009, thanks for the update! Let us know if you hear anything else.

Good luck to all in the coming days!

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To be honest I've almost completely stopped thinking about this, but I keep checking the forum to see if there is any news. I hope we find out soon, for all our sakes, but for our sanity it's probably best to just put it out of your mind (if you still have any sanity left at this point).

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With all of the numerous things they put on their site about letting us know as soon as there is any information whatsoever about when we might hear back, I'm willing to bet that they just post the results without ever changing that message before they do it.

I can see that as something they would totally do.

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Yeah, I'm fairly confident that one day emails will just appear before we hear anything else.

Do you think we'll hear...dare I say it...this week? I have no idea when, but I'm going to go ahead and guess 200-400 additional awards.

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If additional awards are coming from ARRA money, that's going to be weird. Maybe they're trying to find a way around this being from the ARRA money? Does anyone know if it has to come from there or no? Cause it wouldn't really create jobs for others... just us. Some of the stipulations on that money seem like they don't fit the grfp goals, so I'm confused.

Maybe they're confused too.

More money for fellowships means that schools will have more funds available and so they will accept more graduate students next year, creating more jobs.

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From the director in a message to me:

"We are very close to the release so I don't want to go on too far given the situation. Hang tight as we are very near announcement."

Good luck guys. Should be any day now.

"very near" pshhhhhhh.

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I feel like we've been here before...

For those applicants still waiting for notification of their 2009 applications, the approximate timeline for notifications is within the next two weeks.

The anticipated release date for rating sheets is approximately one business day after the final announcements. All applicants will receive an e-mail with instructions for accessing their rating sheets when they are available.

I know this was posted today because I've been checking every day, but I would have hoped they'd at least be smart enough to specify the beginning or end of the two week range for those people less compulsive than I am.

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I feel like we've been here before...

I know this was posted today because I've been checking every day, but I would have hoped they'd at least be smart enough to specify the beginning or end of the two week range for those people less compulsive than I am.

I came here to post the same thing, and yes, this is from today, since I too have been compulsively checking the page every day. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, and I think it's not a freight train.

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I feel like we've been here before...

Me too. I wonder if it will be the same as the last time they put up two weeks. What was that...three or four weeks ago now?

I hate the whole two week notice on an additional note. Just say "by the 21st at the latest" if that's what you mean. Saying "two weeks" without giving a day of reference is very poor form because it doesn't set the day in stone.

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Me too. I wonder if it will be the same as the last time they put up two weeks. What was that...three or four weeks ago now?

I hate the whole two week notice on an additional note. Just say "by the 21st at the latest" if that's what you mean. Saying "two weeks" without giving a day of reference is very poor form because it doesn't set the day in stone.

The first list was posted on April 10, and a couple days later we heard the "two weeks" rallying cry. Today is the 7th of May. It's been almost a month. I'll get excited when they actually send me an email, whether it be HM or an award, and put an end to the waiting.

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You're starting to sound like Blackbeard. Better watch out before he comes back to claim his role as pirate lord of the GRFP...

*Cue return of Blackbeard and Friar Tuck for comic value*

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I think we are all forgetting/giving up home - the page creation has slowed considerably. I hope we make it to 200 before we find out! (well, actually I don't, because that would mean later rather than sooner...)

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